1Thess. 4: 1 - 12
Text: “...live in order to please God…” v.1
Many things show that a church is sick:
Lack of spiritual growth
Life outside God’s Word
Unholy living
Disobedience to authority
Which of these are you (am I) quality of?
It is believed that you read all of this scripture (1 Thess.) paying particular attention to specific instruction there.
I. Principles to Live By: 1 – 3
Know how to live (godly)
Know and accept leader’s authority
Stay sanctified form sexual sin
Do honest jobs honestly
Primary Call: Understand sanctification
1. It means avoiding sexual immorality:
- adultery
- premarital sex
- homosexuality
- all forms of sexual deviation
2. It means that a person knows how to control his body and his spouse
(1 Cor.7: 3 – 5)
3. It means resisting the passion of lust (passion and enslaving power), e.g
- passion for sex
- passion for pornographic film and literature
- passion for manipulation
- passion for romantic and immoral reading
- passion for exposure
Read 1 Peter 4:3
James 7:1 – 15
Rm. 1:27
1 Cor 6:9
Any believer engaged in these is not healthy; the church where they are is not a healthy church.
II. All forms of immorality must be out of Christ’s church, hence we must live a life of purity
The reason:
a. Immorality defrauds and cheats a brother
b. Immorality shall be revenged by God
Unfortunately, our society accepts and encourages it as seen in the emphasis and appeal of:
- dress in public
- television and film
- books and magazines
- advertisements and promotions
- conversations and jokes
- suggestive words and actions
The truth is:God is going to judge immoral behaviour no matter how much the society accepts it. Society does not make the rules for man’s behaviour. God makes the rules.
Read Heb. 13:4
Rm 1:18
2 Thess. 1:8
c. Immorality is not God’s call; holiness is God’s call. Our call to
salvation is call to clean life
d. Immorality is a sin against God. Every human being who breaks
the commandment of God shall receive the vengeance of God except they repent and sought God’s forgiveness.
III. We must have good work ethics (vs 11 – 12) i.e
Work Hard
Mind your own business
The Principle is:
1. We must labour in order to win the respect of outsiders (work in honest ways)
- work to subdue and dominate
- work to provide the necessities of life
- work to have enough to give to the need
2. We must labour in order to have enough to meet the necessities of life
As believers we are never to be dependent on anybody – depending on God and our own mind and energy
Are you morally upright?
Any secret sin or relationship?
Cheating on your spouse?
Destroying your future now?
Are you lazy or slothful?
Are you a parasite?
Be a healthy Christian in a healthy Church.
1 Thess. 2: 4 - 9
By way of introduction, let’s see what Pst Perry Noble indicated as being the characteristics unhealthy church in what he calls “15 Signs Your Church Is In Trouble”
1. Giving excuses about how things are and not finding solutions to the problems
2. When the church loses passion for evangelism
3. When emphasis is on building self (church and pastor’s family) against building God’s Kingdom.
4. When the leadership settles for the natural rather than the supernatural
5. When the church is concerned about its fame and not fulfilling the Great Commission
6. When the leaders are not growing, and have stopped being coachable
7. There is no more sense of urgency (Hell a no longer hot, sin is no longer wrong, and the Cross is no longer important)
8. Scripture is no longer central in every decision made
9. The church is reactive rather proactive
10. When the church loses sight of the next generation (failure to build the young and younger generation)
11. When the church maintains the status-quo, not willing to rock the boat or upset anyone especially the “mighty” in the Church.
12. When the church is no longer willing to take steps of faith for fear of losing out
13. When the church is not concerned about the needs of the community
14. When the church depends on one man to minister to everyone, rather than everyone getting involved that the whole body cares for itself.
15. When the leaders refuse to go extra mile because that would appear inconvenient for them
In the light our of study what are the characteristics of the Healthy Church?
From our passage:
1. Where everyone possesses tested and approved hearts (v.4)
2. The leaders are not masked – no pretence (v.5)
3. Leaders seek ways of not being a burden to the Church (v.6)
4. Leaders are care-givers to the flock (v.7)
5. Sharing and sacrifice are characteristic (v.8)
6. Leaders work hard to show followers examples, and not place unnecessary burdens on the church (v.9)
7. Leaders are holy, righteous and blames (v.10)
Possible for men to pretend in the sight of men,
but God sees all and knows all
We can ask ourselves as individuals and corporately:
Am I a sincere, born-again Christian?
Seeking to grow the church healthily
Were my heart to be laid bare before the world, what shall be seen?
As a church, can we say we are on track, still retaining our passion for
Soulwinning, discipleship, and ministry?
Workers, do we possess the heart of a servant?
Pray and recommit yourself to God for grace and mercy
Job. 2: 1 - 3
Text: “…he is blameless and upright…” v.3
Through ages, God is always looking for men
That is not to say women were not called or/and used of God
The scripture is full of women used of God mightily to advance God’s Kingdom both in Bible times and our society today
However our emphasis today is ‘men”
May you and I be men that God can boast of?
May men have/build homes that God can depend upon to be a manifestation of his glory?
I. Job, the example of men
Note that it is God who described Job
High recommendation by God:
1. “My servant”
2. No on can earth like him
3. Blameless and upright
4. Fears God and shuns evil
5. Maintains his integrity
Read Job 1:1
God recognized and had high regard for men who are upright
(Read Ezekiel 14:14)
II. Other Bible Example
Noah – Gen. 6:9
Abram – Gen. 17: 1
Daniel – Daniel 1:8
Men of Integrity today
Paul’s Admotion
Eph. 4:1
a. 1 Tim. 3:1 – 8 (Bishop & Deacons)
1 Peter 3:7
Conclusion: Path of Integrity
Know God
Love God
Serve God
Build a Christian home
Be a man of godly influence
Serve the nation
Deal honestly (in matters of relationship and finance especially)
Genesis 1: 26 - 31
Text: Gen. 1: 27 - 28
Note these words
“Let us make man in our image”
“In our likeness”
Let them rule”…
“So God created man in his own image”
God blessed them and said to them,
“Be fruitful and increase in number”
In order to fulfill this multi-dimensional purpose of God, it is necessary to understand our nature
Please note that by this time, man was created perfectly. It was when we got to chapt 3 of Genesis that man fell (Read 3:1ff)
Unfortunately, it is with this fallen nature that we observe and do things, hence the evils we see all around us.
Read Matthew 20:25 (ref. Mark 10:42; Lk.22:25)
Today, man doesn’t rule over/dominate animals; it is rather man dominating man with a view to turning him/her to a nonentity
I. What Is God Purpose:
The question we need to answer now is “why did God create us? Then why did He create us in his own image
Answer: We are created to represent Him
We are created to dominate the earth
We are created to increase and multiply
Note v. 28 – 29
How interesting that man is to control creatures, but can control himself, (e.g James 3:7)
II.Created In God’s Image (Ps. 100:3; Is. 44:24; 45:18ff)
What is God like (Gen. 5:1)
See also Eph. 4:24 & Col. 3:10, Eph. 2:10 (righteousness and holiness, doing works)
The image of God here is holiness and righteousness. To show forth God’s image is to be holy and righteous
We do well to recognize that:
He’s our Creator
He gives us life – Job 33:4
It’s in Him we hold our being, - Acts. 17:28
All things come from Him - 1 Chr. 29:12
III. Fulfilling Our Purpose
We are to be holy – Eph. 1:4; 1Thess. 4:3, 7; Eph. 2:10
Nothing can we do without him (John 15:5)
He is sour very source (Acts 17:28)
To fulfil our destiny/Purpose
Call to holiness
Call to creativity
Call to fruitfulness
Call to good works
Call to dominate/take control (our situations)
How then are you doing it?
Are you overcoming or being overcome?
2 Thess. 2: 1 – 12
Text: Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way…v.3
The Truth of the matter
1 Thess. 4: 16 – 5:4
2 Thess. 1: 3 – 5
Prayer Point v.6
Emphasis: The healthy Church is a rapturable Church
This looks like the conclusion of our annual Bible Study on the 1 Thessalonians
I. Indicators of Rapture
1. No one knows the actual day of rapture – Matt. 24:36, 4:12 – 40
2. Powerful delusion, lying, spirit, condemnations poured on the wicked – 2 Thess. 2:12
3. Increase in wickedness – Matt. 24: 11, 24
4. Lukewarmness of many Christians – Mat. 24:12
5. Children will rebel against their parents and kill them – Matt. 13:12
II. Events of Rapture
1. Christ will appear in heaven and all eyes will see Him –
Matt. 24:26 – 27, “…for a lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will the coming of the son of Man”.
2. Jesus will come in the clouds with power and glory with his angels and a loud trumpet call – Matt. 24:30-31
3. At rapture, two men will be in the field, the upright one will be taken, the rebellious will be left behind – Matt. 24:40 – 41
III. Hence Jesus Must Be Followed
1. He is the Alpha and Omega – Rev. 1:8, 17
2. He is alive forevermore – Rev. 1:18
3. Jesus will punish those who do not know God and do not obey his gospel – 2 Thes. 1:8
4. Jesus will punish them with everlasting destruction and send them out of his presence and from the majesty of is power - 2 Tim. 1:9
5. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus because he is the Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:6 – 7
6. He answers prayers uttered in His name – John 14:13
7. He shed His blood for remission our sin – John 28:30
IV. Be Prepared for the Rapture
1. Be earnest and repent, open the door of your heart to Jesus. He is knocking – Rev. 3: 19 – 20
2. Be born again – John 3:3-4, Mark 12: 9 – 10
3. Be filled with the Holy Spirit – Luke 24:49
4. Be led by the Holy Spirit
5. Bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit
6. Be a disciple unto Christlikeness, Mark 9:34 – 36. Accept Jesus as the Lord ad Saviour
7. Keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come – Matt. 24:42
8. Learn preparedness from the parable of the ten virgins – Mat. 25:14 – 30
9. Minister salvation to children – Mark 9: 42
10. Watch how you use your body – Mark 9:43 – 48
11. Invest in missions and other works of God – Mark 10: 29-31
12. Love – Marl 12: 29 – 31
13. Deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Jesus – Luke 9:23
14. Do God’s will always – Luke 9: 46 – 48
15. Pray that you will stand - Luke 22:36
Are you a healthy Christian? (growing, loving, obedient, serving, etc)
Are you in healthy Church? (obeying the word, trust your leaders, sincere in relationship, holy in all manners etc.)
Are you prepared for Rapture? (genuinely born again, sincerely expectant faithfully serving the Lord, etc)
Text: Matt. 5:48
In the previous message, we established that:
1. There a race marked out for us
2. Each must run the race with perseverance
3. There were/are those who had run the race before us
4. Although they were there, Christ is our perfect example of the race
- The author (foundation)
- The perfecter (fulfiller) of our faith
Have you started the race yet?
How well are you running your race?
Are you weary along the way?
Are you looking back, or have you even turned back from running the race
I. From our Text (Matthew 5:48)
This is Jesus' command
This is a high demand/calling
This is the ONLY way of the Cross and therefore way to heaven
For some clarity, let's begin from v.43 (read)
For Jesus, I see this scripture as laying down the principles of human relationships in the real Christian sense (I do hope you can now see why we qualify our Moving Forward Toward perfection with “In Christ”)
That is, it's about Christ's standard
See Lev. 19: 2 & 18
When the Pharisees of Jesus' days were referring to this, they said “the Law says love your neighbour…”
To them, “neighbour means only the people of their own community, religion, language and possibly nation, no one else. Still to them, that simply infers that they should hate their “enemies” (To them it is “Love your neighbour, hate your enemy)
When we see and experience this today, it is only an exhibition of our depravity and manifestation of adamic nature.
II. The Perfection of Christ
Jesus says “…as your heavenly Father is perfect
Father's Nature:
Lev. 11: 44 – 45 (ref. I Peter. 1:16 – 19)
Lev. 19: 2 – 4
Lev. 20: 7 – 8
Matt. 5: 43 – 48
III. Perfection In Love
For Jesus, love is the perfect law
But loving our enemies is against human nature
Our natural tendency is to react, strike back, hate, and wish hurt
However the one thing a believer can have for his enemy is mercy/compassion
(See Luke 6:36)
But then note, that
All may not be loved equally
Love is not a license
It is not complacent in dealing with wickedness
Why then should we love (as our Father)?
1. It is an unmistakable proof that we know and love God (1 John 4:19 -21,
I John 3:23)
2. It is through love that we are like God. In loving his enemies, the Christian becomes more and more like his Father, God
3. It is through love that a Christian is distinct form other people
Toward perfection is about:
Resembling our Father in holiness
Loving as our Heavenly Father loves
Going the extra mile for our Father's sake
Seeking wisdom of God in relating with all men, whether they are believers or not.
Matt. 25:19; 18:23
Text: “Returned and settled accounts with them” (Matt. 25:19)
In most corporate organizations, inventory is carried out at the end of the year
Majorly it is an evaluative/evaluation period, whereby the estimated is compared to the actual,
At the beginning of every year, most people made resolution
The question now is, how well have you faired
As usually observed, the end of the year is crucial
A time of thanks to God for the journey so far
A time to check on our walk with God
A time to assess our success/failure story
A time of repentance, reminder and return
I. Everything goes into record
Matthew 12:36
Luke 19:15
Rm 14 : 12
II. Picture of the Kingdom of Heaven (God)
Matt. 18:23
Matt. 21:33ff
Note, particularly v. 43 of that Matt 21
The Emphasis here is fruitfulness
How fruitful are we in the outgoing year?
See John 15:16
Col. 1:10
III. The Inventory
Read Matt. 25: 19ff
What were your observed talents?
How did you use them in the year?
Answer the following questions very sincerely:
1. Suppose it is not end of year but life, any fruit to present to the King?
2. Is the vision cast in January fulfilled now?
3. How much has your life and ministry impacted this church as a whole?
Another chance to repent is here
Another chance to recast is here
Another grace is here (to enter 2014)
Will you be ready for the Lord’s use?
Will you be willing to know God and serve Him better?
Not only should you be grateful to God for saving your life, you are to use the life to honour Him and to promote His Kingdom
Congrats for seeing the year ending.
Luke 1: 26 - 38
Text: v. 37 “For with God, nothing shall be in possible.
God can save anybody
Nobody is outside His reach
What is ever impossible for man is always possible for God
Such is the crux of Christmas story
God of salvation can workout His salvation anyhow
Naturally, no birth without the mating of man and woman
Christianly, marriage precedes raising of children
1. God’s Choice: Angel on Errand To Mary (v. 26)
Mary’s plan (and that of Joseph) changed by that encounter.
2. To Favour Mary (v. 28 – 30)
Conception before marriage
The baby to be born will be God’s Son
The baby would be King Eternal
Note: Nothing is wrong with our making plan, but wise and favoured are we when God prevails over us.
3. God’s Faithfulness to His Word (32 – 33)
A Ruler is needed
A Messiah will be born
He would be born by a virgin (Micah 5:2; Is. 7:14)
Mary became the fulfillment of God’s promise
Note: Blessed are we when the promises of God find fulfillment on us and in our time
4. Only God has the Power to do the impossible and the humanly incredible
Mary was bothered and worried v. 34
Holy Spirit was in charge (v.35)
God has done it before (v.36)
For with Him, nothing is impossible v. 37
Note: This is where we find comfort for our troubled world
It is an opportunity to renew our faith
Allow God’s plan to prevail
When it looks ridiculous, the miraculous is on the way
God’s plan, promises and power are unlimited
Whoever believes experiences Him
Believe Him for your salvation
Trust Him for your miracles
Allow Him to have His way
“Blessed is he/she who believes in what God has said, and what He alone can do
This Christmas Season, the Lord will visit and surprise you. Rather than being a shame, you’ll be a Testimony.
Gen.40: 20 - 23
Text: vs 17 “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
vs 18 “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.
(Habakkuk 3: 17 – 18)
There is the popular saying, “when the goings get touch, the tough get going”
There are one or two very basic assumption here:
a. The goings can, and the do get tough
b. Only the equally tough people can, and do get going
For some people, the times you are in now seems very serious and challenging, may be because of the following factors or situation.
Lack of all kind
Quarrels and fights
Certain unexpected experiences (e.g. disappointments)
It is true that all of us get to some tough times in our lives.
When these experiences happen, they leave us:
Turn their backs against God
Choose the way of hell (possibly)
Our emphasis today is, what are we to do when the goings get tough.
One Word, remain tough in God obeying His word all the way. Ref to our text
1. Joseph story:
Hated and disowned
But remained focused and steadfast
What about the men he met in prison? They were:
Confused and frustrated by their dreams
But shared with Joseph
There was relief for the Butler
2. Ruth (with Naomi) Ruth 1:19ff
Ruth became a labourer (2:2)
Recognized labourer 2:11-12
The Labour rewarded (3:9 – 11)
3. The disciples (with Jesus) at Sea
Note the word: “without warning, a furious storm came…” v.24
To worsen it, “But Jesus was dosing”
What to do in the tough times:
1. Be in the right company
a. Joseph at the needed place
b. Ruth in the right place
c. Disciples at the right time with the right person
2. Speak out, please
The dreamers talked
Ruth didn’t remain at home
The disciples cried to Jesus
What tough time are you in now – life, work, marriage, family, etc?
What have you done or are you doing – about it?
Any ungodly alternative being considered?
Find the right association
Speak to someone
Don’t die alone
There is grace for all tough goings and tough situations
Never take laws into your own hands or be irrational in your thinking and behaviour Possible (ungodly) situation today may worsen situations tomorrow.
Exodus 6: 1-8
Text: “Then the Lord said …” vs. 1
“I am the Lord” vs. 2
Our passage today also begins with “Then”
The question is, “When?”
See chapt. 5:22-23 (Read)
The Israelites were frustrated by the hardened Pharaoh and his men
over their hard labour.
They thought Moses was responsible for their misery
Moses too became frustrated, and send, “Is this why you sent me?”
Trouble upon trouble for Israelites since Moses (and Aaron) appeared before Pharaoh.
This situation looked like the peak of trouble. It provoked God to speak and describe Himself.
1. The Lord is the “I am who I am” (Ex 3:14)
a. He is the generational God. (Ex 3:15-17)
b. He is the Lord who delivers with out-stretched hand
c. The Lord who gains glory to Himself over his enemies particularly (Ex. 14:18)
d. The Lord who spares His people from evil and shows His presence (Ex.8:22;12:12)
e. The Lord who works with signs and wonders Ex. 7:17; 10:2
f. The Lord who feeds His people (Ex. 16:18) after the people had grumbled.
g. The Lord who desires holiness from his people (Lev. 11:44)
h. The Lord who answers prayers (Cls. 41:17-20)
i. The Lord who doesn’t disappoint (Isaiah 49:23)
j. The Lord who never allows no to be pat to shame (Joel. 2:27)
2. Know this fact:
a. The Lord can rescue
b. The Lord can work miracles
c. The Lord can provide
d. The Lord can shame your enemies
e. The Lord will answer your prayers
- He’s worth of your devotion
- He’s worthy of your trust
- He’s worthy of your commitment
- He’s willing to listen to Him
Say to Him,
“Be Lord over all my situations today
My life
My home
My work
My desires
My challenges
My health
My finances
My today and tomorrow.