1Thess. 4: 1 - 12
Text: “...live in order to please God…” v.1
Many things show that a church is sick:
Lack of spiritual growth
Life outside God’s Word
Unholy living
Disobedience to authority
Which of these are you (am I) quality of?
It is believed that you read all of this scripture (1 Thess.) paying particular attention to specific instruction there.
I. Principles to Live By: 1 – 3
Know how to live (godly)
Know and accept leader’s authority
Stay sanctified form sexual sin
Do honest jobs honestly
Primary Call: Understand sanctification
1. It means avoiding sexual immorality:
- adultery
- premarital sex
- homosexuality
- all forms of sexual deviation
2. It means that a person knows how to control his body and his spouse
(1 Cor.7: 3 – 5)
3. It means resisting the passion of lust (passion and enslaving power), e.g
- passion for sex
- passion for pornographic film and literature
- passion for manipulation
- passion for romantic and immoral reading
- passion for exposure
Read 1 Peter 4:3
James 7:1 – 15
Rm. 1:27
1 Cor 6:9
Any believer engaged in these is not healthy; the church where they are is not a healthy church.
II. All forms of immorality must be out of Christ’s church, hence we must live a life of purity
The reason:
a. Immorality defrauds and cheats a brother
b. Immorality shall be revenged by God
Unfortunately, our society accepts and encourages it as seen in the emphasis and appeal of:
- dress in public
- television and film
- books and magazines
- advertisements and promotions
- conversations and jokes
- suggestive words and actions
The truth is:God is going to judge immoral behaviour no matter how much the society accepts it. Society does not make the rules for man’s behaviour. God makes the rules.
Read Heb. 13:4
Rm 1:18
2 Thess. 1:8
c. Immorality is not God’s call; holiness is God’s call. Our call to
salvation is call to clean life
d. Immorality is a sin against God. Every human being who breaks
the commandment of God shall receive the vengeance of God except they repent and sought God’s forgiveness.
III. We must have good work ethics (vs 11 – 12) i.e
Work Hard
Mind your own business
The Principle is:
1. We must labour in order to win the respect of outsiders (work in honest ways)
- work to subdue and dominate
- work to provide the necessities of life
- work to have enough to give to the need
2. We must labour in order to have enough to meet the necessities of life
As believers we are never to be dependent on anybody – depending on God and our own mind and energy
Are you morally upright?
Any secret sin or relationship?
Cheating on your spouse?
Destroying your future now?
Are you lazy or slothful?
Are you a parasite?
Be a healthy Christian in a healthy Church.