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Gen.40: 20 - 23

Text: vs 17 “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,  

vs 18 “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.  
(Habakkuk 3: 17 – 18)


There is the popular saying, “when the goings get touch, the tough get going”
There are one or two very basic assumption here:
a. The goings can, and the do get tough
b. Only the equally tough people can, and do get going
For some people, the times you are in now seems very serious and challenging, may be because of the following factors or situation.
Lack of all kind
Quarrels and fights
Certain unexpected experiences (e.g. disappointments)
It is true that all of us get to some tough times in our lives.
When these experiences happen, they leave us:
Turn their backs against God
Choose the way of hell (possibly)
Our emphasis today is, what are we to do when the goings get tough.
One Word, remain tough in God obeying His word all the way. Ref to our text

1. Joseph story:

Hated and disowned
But remained focused and steadfast
What about the men he met in prison? They were:
Confused and frustrated by their dreams
But shared with Joseph
There was relief for the Butler

2. Ruth (with Naomi) Ruth 1:19ff

Ruth became a labourer (2:2)
Recognized labourer 2:11-12
The Labour rewarded (3:9 – 11)

3. The disciples (with Jesus) at Sea

Note the word: “without warning, a furious storm came…” v.24
To worsen it, “But Jesus was dosing”

What to do in the tough times:

1. Be in the right company
a. Joseph at the needed place
b. Ruth in the right place
c. Disciples at the right time with the right person

2. Speak out, please
The dreamers talked
Ruth didn’t remain at home
The disciples cried to Jesus


What tough time are you in now – life, work, marriage, family, etc?
What have you done or are you doing – about it?
Any ungodly alternative being considered?
Find the right association
Speak to someone
Don’t die alone
There is grace for all tough goings and tough situations
Never take laws into your own hands or be irrational in your thinking and behaviour  Possible (ungodly) situation today may worsen situations tomorrow.