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Exodus 6: 1-8

Text: “Then the Lord said …” vs. 1
 “I am the Lord”    vs. 2


Our passage today also begins with “Then”
The question is, “When?”
See chapt. 5:22-23 (Read)
The Israelites were frustrated by the hardened Pharaoh and his men
over their hard labour.
They thought Moses was responsible for their misery
Moses too became frustrated, and send, “Is this why you sent me?”
Trouble upon trouble for Israelites since Moses (and Aaron) appeared before Pharaoh.
This situation looked like the peak of trouble.  It provoked God to speak and describe Himself.

1. The Lord is the “I am who I am” (Ex 3:14)

a. He is the generational God. (Ex 3:15-17)
b. He is the Lord who delivers with out-stretched hand
c. The Lord who gains glory to Himself over his enemies particularly (Ex. 14:18)  
d. The Lord who spares His people from evil and shows His presence (Ex.8:22;12:12)
e. The Lord who works with signs and wonders Ex. 7:17; 10:2
f. The Lord who feeds His people (Ex. 16:18) after the people had grumbled.
g. The Lord who desires holiness from his people (Lev. 11:44)
h. The Lord who answers prayers (Cls. 41:17-20)
i. The Lord who doesn’t disappoint (Isaiah 49:23)
j. The Lord who never allows no to be pat to shame (Joel. 2:27)

2. Know this fact:

a. The Lord can rescue
b. The Lord can work miracles
c. The Lord can provide
d. The Lord can shame your enemies
e. The Lord will answer your prayers  


- He’s worth of your devotion
- He’s worthy of your trust
- He’s worthy of your commitment
- He’s willing to listen to Him

Say to Him,
“Be Lord over all my situations today
My  life
My  home
My  work
My  desires
My  challenges
My  health
My  finances
My  today and tomorrow.