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ACTS 10:3-48

Text: “He commanded us to preach …” V 42.

Remember, Pentecost is not a, or about any, denomination.
It was a festival, came to be special 50th day after the Resurrection when the Holy Spirit came in physical manifestation.  Since then, men and women of all ages have received Him.  As many as have received Him display Pentecostal power, not for boasting (in any way) but for carrying out His command. “… to preach to the people and to testify that he (Jesus) is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead” (v.42)

I. God’s plan to save
God’s revelation to the Gentiles “(Acts 10:1-8)
Peter’s Vision (Acts 10: 9-16)
Message for salvation (Acts 10 : 17 – 23)
Readiness for salvation (Acts 10 : 24-33)

II. The message of salvation
Peter’s message (Acts 10 : 34ff)

The real message (Acts 10 : 43)
Note: “…everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

III. Response to salvation
The Pentecost experienced (v.44)
The broken walls recognized (v.45)
Believers Baptized (v. 47-48)

IV. Disciples’ (Our) Duty
Note:  The disciples then, and the believers today, receive the Holy Spirit so that they can have the power to be witnesses to the world, setting people free from the power of the devil manifesting in;
-    evil spirits and demons
-    temptation and sins
-    lying and deception
-    bitterness and hatred
-    killings and wars
-    selfishness and greed
-    immorality and lust
-    stealing and injustices
-    laziness and complacency

The essence of the Pentecost is that there will be world evangelization.  Thus it happened, that the Gentiles,
 “head the message (v. 44)
 “believed the Lord Jesus (Acts 11 :17)
 “experienced the Holy spirit” (v. 44 -47)
  “were baptized …” (48)

The summary conclusion is this:
Everyone who had experienced Pentecost will:
-    love the Lord supremacy
-    serve the Lord faithfully
-    strive to see many others saved
-    lead holy and righteous lives
-    see self as a soul-winner everywhere
-    promote the kingdom life by all means.
Are you that Pentecostal ?     

Acts 8: 1 – 8

Text: v. 4 “Those…preached the Word wherever they went”


From last week, every genuinely born again Christian is a “witness of

 these things”

The disciples were to go… (Acts 1:8)

The promise of the Father has been fulfilled (Luke 24:49)

They were blessed and served with joy (Luke 24: 52 – 52)

I.  The Pentecost Itself ( Acts  2: 1 – 12)

The background: Lev. 23: 15 – 16

The Holy Spirit came in full force, people and nation heard gospel in 

their language

Note the question: “what could this mean?”

II.  From Peter’s Message  ( Acts 2:14ff)

People’s Reaction: Acts 2:37

Peter’s response Acts 2:38ff

III.  Miracles Being Recorded – Acts 3:1ff

Solution to Bewilderment. Acts 3:19ff

IV.  The Number Increased

Read Acts  1:15

Read Acts 2: 41

Read acts 2:47

Read Acts 4:4

Read 5:14

V.  Observation:

1.  The disciples took their mandate serious (ly)

2.  They were witnessing wherever they went

3.  The disciples kept on increasing

Note: Great revival necessitates laymen willing to preach Christ.  Note that the following Scriptures are given to believers, not to the clergy



 Matt 28: 19 – 20

 Mark 16:15

 Acts 4:20

 Acts 5:20

 Acts 8:5, 35

 Acts 11:19-20



The essence of Pentecost is World evangelism

The command remains till today

If you don’t win, you will be won 

Note the word; “wherever they went”

Make it your aim that wherever you go, you go with the gospel

By Mark 16:15 – 20, we can infer that many of the promises in the Bible are

 for soul-winners

“They will cast out demons”

“They will not be hurt”

“I am with you to the end”


Be a soul-winner, you have the Pentecost Power. Carry gospel with 

you everywhere form now

Through you, Christ’s’ Kingdom can/shall be enlarged


Luke 24: 36 - 49

Text: "You are witnesses of these things"  Luke 24:48

         "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…"  Matt. 28:19


Of a fact Jesus rose from the dead the appearing to many people at different times proved it.

Two major thoughts are important

a. Witnesses

b. Go

All these appearances were to some witnesses who are to go and announce that Jesus actually died, was buried, rose again and now he’s coming back.

I.  Original Witnesses

-  Luke 24: 13ff - On Emmans  Road

-  Luke 24: 36ff – To Eleven Disciples

-  John 20: 19ff – To Disciples at the Sea Galilee or Tibenas

-  John 20:24 – 29 – To Thomas

-  Mark 16:9 – Mary Magdalene

-  John 21:1ff – Again to Disciples

-  I Cor. 15: 6 – To 500 brethren

II. Jesus' Message to the Witnesses

“Peace be with You”

Read John 14:27  

Hebrew. “Shalom” – Freedom form trouble,

- experiencing the highest good,

- enjoying the very best

- possessing the inner good possible

- wholeness and soundness

- prosperity in the widest sense

Greek, “eirene”  -   bind together

- to join

- to weave together

That is, a person is bound, woven and joined together with himself and with God and others

Read:    Eph. 2: 13 – 14  

John 14:27 

John 16:33   

III. Encounter of the Risen Lord with the Witnesses

The disciples were startled and frightened

They were troubled and doubting

Jesus showed them his wounds

He talked with them

He ate with them (vs 37 – 44)

IV. The Witnesses’ Message (vs 45ff)

They needed spiritual insight

Repentance and forgiveness MUST be preached

The Spirit’s power is necessary

(“…what my Father has promised…”)

And so they are witnesses, hence they are to go and tell the world:


Therefore go…

You can see that direct and personal encounter with the Lord is the reason for going

1. The woman of Samaria – Jhn 4:28ff

2. Mary Magdalene – Jhn 20:17ff

3. Paul the apostle – Acts 9:9ff, 15ff (ref 13:2)

If sincerely you have encountered the risen Lord your divine mandate is “go” and show Him to the World

Therefore, go...

Remember, you are either a missionary to the world or a mission field. Choose one today.

 2 Tim 2:1 - 4

Text  v.1  “You then . . . be strong in the GRACE (emphasis, my) that is in Christ Jesus” 


Fundamental Question: “Who is sufficient for these things?”

Fundamental Answer: No one (outside the grace of God in Christ Jesus)

Paul said “as therefore as you have received Christ . . .” (Col. 2:6)

The same Paul said to the Ephesians, “be strong in the Lord” (Eph. 6:10). This mean, among others:

Text: “Now you are People of God” (1 Peter 2:10)

         “Deal not treacherously” (Mal. 2:16)


Our (NBC) Theme this year is the topic of our sermon today. One may wonder the convention between Moving Forward and Family life. The truth is, the church’s witness has been dented over the years due to the situation whereby families who are supposed to show forth the love of church to the dying world have failed church.