2 Tim 2:1 - 4
Text v.1 “You then . . . be strong in the GRACE (emphasis, my) that is in Christ Jesus”
Fundamental Question: “Who is sufficient for these things?”
Fundamental Answer: No one (outside the grace of God in Christ Jesus)
Paul said “as therefore as you have received Christ . . .” (Col. 2:6)
The same Paul said to the Ephesians, “be strong in the Lord” (Eph. 6:10). This mean, among others:
No one gets to his destiny on his own
Strength is needed for the race of life
So also grace is needed for the race of life
The kind of grace and strength needed are only found in Christ Jesus
I. Be Strong
“If a man can tap into God's strength he can conquer all the circumstances of life, including death, and he can achieve his task upon the earth, the very task that God wants him to fulfill while he is on earth”
Note these words:
Even regarding our relationship with family members, church people, co-workers, even difficult people, by the strength of God in Christ Jesus, we can overcome all challenges.
II. Strength For Whom? Son
“You then, my son”
Hear Paul “Timothy, my true son in the faith (of the gospel)” – 1 Tim. 1:2
See also 1 Cor. 4:17
1 Thess. 2:11
The best is always preferred for the son (children have)
Naturally, strength of man is not enough to handle carnal nature and its effects (Rm. 8:7 – 8; Gal. 5:24; Col. 3:8 -10)
III. Strengthened By Grace
Enough for blessings (John 1:16)
Available to testify (Acts 4:3)
Reaching out to people (2 Cor. 4:15)
Abound toward abundance (2 Cor. 9:8)
Sufficient for difficult situations (2 Cor. 12:9)
Found difficult to forgive, to be humble, to love, to submit, to serve, to give, to proclaim Christ's love, receive the grace for it and be strengthened.
IV. Grace That is in Christ Jesus
In none other
It must be accessed
Where in we have life (Rm. 6:11)
No more condemnation (Rm. 8:1 – 2, 34)
Our eternal purpose is sealed (Eph. 3:11)
In order for every family or individual to carry out the essentials for, and be faithful witness for our Lord, growing in grace is necessary, strength in the Lord is mandatory.
Make use of the grace you have now:
Of Redemption
Of Association
Of Fellowship
Of Ministry
Of Worship
Of Prayer
Of the Word
Of Service Together
God bless you real good as you receive strength to fulfill your destiny.