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Text: Vs 13a & 14a

You are the salt of the earth

You are the light of the world



Our Year theme: “…Building Nations through Christ, (Prov. 29:2)

The world today needs salt and light

Believers are likened to both

The character of both substances are crucial

Believers are called upon to be salt and light in order to build nations in righteousness

There is the challenge of the moment

But the Word of God must be obeyed

Hence, the need to carefully examine the character of the believer in the form of salt and light.

I.                    You Are the Salt of the Earth

1.      The disciples’ character: salt (v.13)

2.      The disciples’ place to salt: the earth (v.13)

3.      The disciples’ mission: to salt the earth (v.13)

4.      The disciples’ danger: becoming useless and destructive (v.13)

Salt: the disciples’ character is like salt.  Believers are called and designed (made) to be the salt of the earth.

The Believer is likened to salt in terms of character (about us)

Several things can be said about salt that point out just what Jesus means

1.      Salt is distinctive

2.      Salt preserves

3.      Salt Penetrates

4.      Salt flavors

5.      Salt is quiet 

6.      Salt spreads

7.      Salt is irrepressible 

II.                  You are the Light of the Word

Four things are said about the believer as the light of the world (I Jn.8:12)

1.      The disciples’ character: light (v.14)

2.      The disciples’ place to shine: the world (v.14)

3.      The disciples’ unavoidable witness (v.15)

4.      The disciples’ purpose (v.16)

The believer is light in terms of his/her character

1.       Light is clear and pure

2.      Light penetrate

3.      Light enlightens

4.      Light reveals

5.      Light guides

6.      Light strips away the darkness

7.      Light routs the chaos

8.      Light discriminates between right way and the wrong way

9.      Light warns

10.  Light protects. 


Jesus said, “go into all the world…”

Go as salt

Go as Light

Anything short of that belittles us and sends wrong signal to the world

Pray for grace and wisdom