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(Making Disciples, Contd)

Luke. 29: 23 – 26

Text:“If anyone wants to FOLLOW me, let him (or her) deny self…"

We stopped last week at the definition of who a Disciple is. A FOLLOWER
The question could still be asked, whom are you following? Or whom are you leading
Study closely Jesus’ Words in Matt. 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you”
“Learn of me”
The truth is, we resemble the one we follow, the one we learn from, who teaches you what you are doing now?
From whom do you learn your lifestyle now; whether Christlike or otherwise

I. Disciple Is A Follower (of Jesus)
Interesting to note (Matt. 28: 19 – 20) that this instruction was not to the 11 disciples but to over 500 disciples who were there with Him.
This command (or Commission) extends to us today
Note the 3 arms of the Commission:
Make disciples
Baptize them
Teach them
For a GENUINE believer, this is a crucial statement
To Jesus, DISCIPLING is the whole essence of the church
To Jesus, DISCIPLING is the best method to evangelize the world
Hence we are to do what Jesus did
And what did Hi do?
According to Luke 19:10  
He came to seek and save the lost (those who are willing to commit their lives to Him)
When He found them, He saved them
He attached Himself to them
He began to mold that person into His image
Attachment is a serious word here
(See women’s attachment to their hair)
Christ made disciples of men by attaching Himself and through this:
They observed His life and conversation
They assimilated His character and behaviour
The began to follow and serve Him more closely
By this, Jesus envisioned something beyond Him and His day and time
As Jesus attached Himself to disciples to do the same through centuries (2 Tim.2:2)
In this context the emphasis is on “the making of disciples as we go”
Read Mark 10:7   
Matt. 28: 19 – 20   
Mark. 16:15   

II. A Follower will Deny Himself
In our passage today, to be a disciple (follower of Jesus), Jesus places certain demands on the believer.
Unlike general notion of “Cross-carrying”, to Jesus, the cross carrying is always an instrument of death, not even an object to carry or bear.
The Christian is to die mentally and actively.  He is to deny himself daily.
He is to let the mind of Christ (Phil.2:5-8) be in him and fill his thought daily
He is to put his will, desires, his wants, his ambitions to death. Instead he is to follow Jesus Christ and do His will all day long
The way to do this is:
a. The believer reckons or counts himself crucified with Christ (Rm.6:11; Gal.2:20)
b. The believer reckons or counts himself dead to sin, but alive to God ( 1 Peter 4:2)
c. The believer does not let sin reign in his body (Col. 3:5)  
d. The believer does not yield the parts of his body to sin as instruments of wickedness (Rm 6:13)
e. The believer yields his body members as instruments of righteousness (Rm.6:13)

III. Follower of Jesus is for Ministry
The truth is, immediately a person becomes a follower of Jesus, he directly and functionally enlists in the ministry of Jesus (making others follow Him)
This is affirmed by Rick Warren. To Rick Warren, there are no Volunteers in God’s Army.
Every Christian is created for ministry (Eph. 2:10)
Every Christian is saved for ministry (2 Tim. 1:9)
Every Christian is called into ministry (1 Peter 2: 9 – 10)
Every Christian is gifted for ministry (Matt. 28: 18 – 20)
Every Christian is commanded to minister (Matt. 20: 26 – 28)
Every Christian is to be prepared for ministry (Eph. 4: 11 – 12)
Every Christian is needed for ministry (1 Cor. 12:27)
Every Christian is accountable for ministry and will be rewarded for ministry (according to what her does (Col. 3:23 – 24)

Be converted
Be a follower of Jesus
Be well attached
In His name, attach to someone
Remember, everyone is/makes a disciple, the question is are you of, or making one for Jesus
If you are not a disciple and you are not leading others to be, you are not fulfilling your life purpose.
Rise up to your purpose and assignment today.
Pray now for grace and courage