Text: Matt. 5:48
In the previous message, we established that:
1. There a race marked out for us
2. Each must run the race with perseverance
3. There were/are those who had run the race before us
4. Although they were there, Christ is our perfect example of the race
- The author (foundation)
- The perfecter (fulfiller) of our faith
Have you started the race yet?
How well are you running your race?
Are you weary along the way?
Are you looking back, or have you even turned back from running the race
I. From our Text (Matthew 5:48)
This is Jesus' command
This is a high demand/calling
This is the ONLY way of the Cross and therefore way to heaven
For some clarity, let's begin from v.43 (read)
For Jesus, I see this scripture as laying down the principles of human relationships in the real Christian sense (I do hope you can now see why we qualify our Moving Forward Toward perfection with “In Christ”)
That is, it's about Christ's standard
See Lev. 19: 2 & 18
When the Pharisees of Jesus' days were referring to this, they said “the Law says love your neighbour…”
To them, “neighbour means only the people of their own community, religion, language and possibly nation, no one else. Still to them, that simply infers that they should hate their “enemies” (To them it is “Love your neighbour, hate your enemy)
When we see and experience this today, it is only an exhibition of our depravity and manifestation of adamic nature.
II. The Perfection of Christ
Jesus says “…as your heavenly Father is perfect
Father's Nature:
Lev. 11: 44 – 45 (ref. I Peter. 1:16 – 19)
Lev. 19: 2 – 4
Lev. 20: 7 – 8
Matt. 5: 43 – 48
III. Perfection In Love
For Jesus, love is the perfect law
But loving our enemies is against human nature
Our natural tendency is to react, strike back, hate, and wish hurt
However the one thing a believer can have for his enemy is mercy/compassion
(See Luke 6:36)
But then note, that
All may not be loved equally
Love is not a license
It is not complacent in dealing with wickedness
Why then should we love (as our Father)?
1. It is an unmistakable proof that we know and love God (1 John 4:19 -21,
I John 3:23)
2. It is through love that we are like God. In loving his enemies, the Christian becomes more and more like his Father, God
3. It is through love that a Christian is distinct form other people
Toward perfection is about:
Resembling our Father in holiness
Loving as our Heavenly Father loves
Going the extra mile for our Father's sake
Seeking wisdom of God in relating with all men, whether they are believers or not.