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Col. 3: 1 – 8

Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grape vines are blossoming.

We thank God for the successful MOTHER’S Day Programme as well as the Christian Home Week
As usual we close the week today considering the above topic, “Removing the Little Foxes…”
Our marriage, our home, our church family is like a vineyard there is a time of planting; there is a time of blossoming.

I. Foxes are Destructive Agents
In Judges 15: 1 – 6
Samson used them to deal with the Philistines in retaliation for giving his wife to his friend
Our vineyard in this context is our home, our marriage relationships, or even our Christian life.

II. The Nature of marriage
Regardless of whatever experience we may have, marriage, home, church, is supposed to be a place of:
Read Matt. 19: 4 – 9 – oneness, lasting
Read S.S 2:16 – 3:6 – romantic and blissful        
Read Prov. 5:18 – blessed
Read Ecc  9: 9  -  Joyful
Prov. 31:20 – 28
2 Kings 4:8 – 17 – love, communication, hospitality, reproduction and joy
If these and many more are God’s design and purpose for the home, you will now understand why the devil wages terrible wars against the home (and even the church)

III. The Foxes In Marriage
Note that our text reads “little foxes” That is to say, they are not necessarily big things that start to break home or scatter a church
Adultery may not even be the little Fox
Infidelity my not even be
But little foxes as:
Ordinary simple courtesy
Little time together
Use of (ordinary) toothpaste
Use of “Thank You”/I’m sorry
Use of Phone
Neatness of home, especially kitchen and toilet
Handling of relations
Use of money
As little as they are, they are the ones that ruine the vineyard, that are blossoming or getting neady to blossom.

IV. Remove the Foxes
In our passage today (Col. 3:1 – 8), Paul admonished in v.5 (read)  
Also in Eph. 4:22, he says
“Put off…your deceitful desires”
Remove them decisively
Remove them diligently
Remove them devotedly
Remove them dutifully
Remove them daily
Yes, Remove pretence
Remove rudeness
Remove hamtiness
Remove pride
Remove sluggishness
Remove dirtiness
Remove cheating
Remove being unfair
Remove being ungrateful
Remove obstacles (work, office, shop, phone, friends, relations), etc
Remove any room for suspicious, whatsoever,
Remove them

Not only in marriage relationships are there little foxes, there could be little foxes in your relationship with God, with the church, with your destiny fulfillment
They are those things you think don’t REALLY matter, yet, they are determinant to your destiny fulfillment, to your growth, to your usefulness, etc.  Remove them and allow yourself to blossom as God ordains.