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Ephesians 2: 13 - 22

Text:  v. 20 “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
                   Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;  

When Jesus said “I will build my Church”
What did He mean?
When you join a (the) church, what do you expect and what’s expected of you.
The way we do in church depends very much on our understanding the concept and the nature as well as its purpose.
What does it mean or take to build the Church of Christ?
What do you and I need to know or do to build the church of Christ the very way He wants.
We must of necessity have a clear understanding of what the church is then; we know how to build it.
See the Church in the following pictures:
New nation
God’s Family
God’s building
Growing organism
A  World-wide temple
A local temple

1. Church As the New Nation: First, the church is pictured as a new nation or society.
- We were foreigners and aliens before.
 2. The Church As God’s Family of: Second, the church is pictured as the family of God. Jesus Christ has brought us into the family of God.  
This involves two glorious privileges.

i. The privilege of adoption.  
ii.  The privilege of responsibility and service.
3. The Church As God’s Building: Third, the church is pictured as God’s building.  

i. Jesus Christ Himself is the Chief cornerstone.  
ii.  We, the church, are built upon the foundation laid by the testimonies of the apostles and prophets.  

4. The Church As Building: Fourth, the church is pictured as a growing organism.  

The church and its believers have two dynamic challenges in this point.

i. The church must grow
ii. Every believer within the building is a part of the building and expected to fulfill its function within the building;

5. The Church as the Universal Temple:  Fifth, the church is pictured as a worldwide temple, as the universal church
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ is open to all people everywhere.

6. The Church As the Indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit:  Sixth the church is pictured as a local temple, as the local church.  The Holy Spirit dwells within the church to help its believers when they are in different situations.

Implication of this Study:
- Our understanding determines our operation
- Our operations reveal our understanding and appreciation
- The choice of our workers and leaders must be congruent with our understanding
- Our leaders must be able to flow in this revelation
Hence our choice is not by human politics but by divine guidance so that the purpose of the church may be established on earth