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Luke. 4:14 - 19

Text:   v. 18  The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed,

“He who does not have his own life purpose will be fulfilling another man’s purpose”
Every Christian/Church has a purpose to fulfill.
This becomes clearer, even as we draw close to the end of the age.  Unfortunately, the devil keeps fighting tooth and nail to ensure we don’t carry out God’s will and purpose (Please read Matt. 16:21 – 24); Message and lessons are very crucial.

I. Jesus Fulfilling His Own Purpose:
Jesus visited His hometown of Nazareth where He had been reared.  On the Sabbath He entered the synagogue for worship.  Note, it was His custom to worship on the Sabbath. He was faithful in His worship of God and faithful to the church.  This was the very synagogue that Jesus had always attended a s a child.  It was a small community synagogue where everyone would know everyone else. Jesus and the congregation were neighbors; some were close to His family

1. Jesus stood to read the scripture because of His reverence for the scripture. (v.16)
There should always be reverence for the Scripture, both in hearing and in reading it.

2. The Messiah was to be anointed by the Spirit (v.18). The Messiah was to be both called and equipped by the Spirit (cp.Lk. 3:21 – 22)
When God calls, He anoints: He equips the messenger with His Spirit.  The Holy Spirit goes with the messenger wherever God sends him

3. The Messiah was to preach the “good news” (gospel).  The words “good news” (gospel) mean to evangelize. The Messiah was to preach to two classes of people.
a. He was to preach to the poor.  The “poor” means not only poor in material possessions but also poor in spirit.
b. He was to preach freedom to the prisoners.  This is a picture of prisoners of war..

4. The Messiah was to minister. A twofold ministry was mentioned
a. He was to give sight to the blind not only to those who were spiritually blind, but to those who are blind physically
b. He was to release the oppressed. He was to set free those who were physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually bruised – those who were…
- disabled
- injured
- wounded
- hurting
- afflicted
- battered

5. The Messiah was to preach the age of salvation.  The term “the year of the Lord’s favor” means the era, the age or day of salvation. It means that the age of the Messiah had come.

II. The Christian/Church Is Anointed:
1. By the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8
2. The Christian/Church has the mandate (Luke 24: 46 – 48)
3. The Early Church carried it out fully (Acts 2:44 – 45; 6:1-2)
4. In this gesture God was glorified and the Church grew (Luke 18:35 – 43)
5. That’s our call and purpose today

Go And Do Likewise
Read the story in Luke 10:25ff
Read James 2:14ff
The total Gospel:
Redeems the soul
Heals the physical body
Releases the oppressed
Feeds the hungry
Gives sight to the Blind
Covers the naked
How are you going to do this today?