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Matt. 21: 1 – 11

Text: v. 10   “…who is this Jesus…this is Jesus the Prophet from Nazareth in Galilee”

What led to this question?
Being asked sincerely or for mockery
What led to the question?
Who actually is Jesus, particularly to you and at this time?

The riding on the donkey
The glamour of entry
The spreading of clothes and tree branches
The shouting
The stirring of the whole city
Hence the question, who Is this Jesus:

I.  The Answer: (This Is Jesus)
The Prophet from Nazareth
- the one promised – Deut. 18:15  
- the one that has come to raise the dead – Luke 7: 14 – 16
- the prophet had come to save the lost – Luke 7:37 – 39
- the one powerful in Word and deed – Luke 24: 17 – 20
- the one who has come with miraculous signs

II. Who Is Jesus to you?
This is Jesus (not just prophet as of old) Is the one:
1. Who gave His life for us (Luke 22: 17 – 19)
2. Our Great and Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
3. Who died for the ungodly and sinners (Rm 5: 6 – 8)
4. The one who fulfils the Scriptures (I Cor. 15:3)
a. He is our sin-bearer (2 Cor. 5:21)
b. He is our sacrifice (Heb. 10:12)
c. He is the sufferer (1 Peter 2:21)
d. He is our reconciler (1 Peter 3:18)

This is the Passion Week
Consider what He came to do for you/me/us
What will you do for Him?
You can give Him your best too
Your life is your BEST you can offer Him
Only then can anything else be meaningful
So give Him your life and all that you can offer Him in gratitude