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Luke 24: 36 - 49

Text: "You are witnesses of these things"  Luke 24:48

         "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…"  Matt. 28:19


Of a fact Jesus rose from the dead the appearing to many people at different times proved it.

Two major thoughts are important

a. Witnesses

b. Go

All these appearances were to some witnesses who are to go and announce that Jesus actually died, was buried, rose again and now he’s coming back.

I.  Original Witnesses

-  Luke 24: 13ff - On Emmans  Road

-  Luke 24: 36ff – To Eleven Disciples

-  John 20: 19ff – To Disciples at the Sea Galilee or Tibenas

-  John 20:24 – 29 – To Thomas

-  Mark 16:9 – Mary Magdalene

-  John 21:1ff – Again to Disciples

-  I Cor. 15: 6 – To 500 brethren

II. Jesus' Message to the Witnesses

“Peace be with You”

Read John 14:27  

Hebrew. “Shalom” – Freedom form trouble,

- experiencing the highest good,

- enjoying the very best

- possessing the inner good possible

- wholeness and soundness

- prosperity in the widest sense

Greek, “eirene”  -   bind together

- to join

- to weave together

That is, a person is bound, woven and joined together with himself and with God and others

Read:    Eph. 2: 13 – 14  

John 14:27 

John 16:33   

III. Encounter of the Risen Lord with the Witnesses

The disciples were startled and frightened

They were troubled and doubting

Jesus showed them his wounds

He talked with them

He ate with them (vs 37 – 44)

IV. The Witnesses’ Message (vs 45ff)

They needed spiritual insight

Repentance and forgiveness MUST be preached

The Spirit’s power is necessary

(“…what my Father has promised…”)

And so they are witnesses, hence they are to go and tell the world:


Therefore go…

You can see that direct and personal encounter with the Lord is the reason for going

1. The woman of Samaria – Jhn 4:28ff

2. Mary Magdalene – Jhn 20:17ff

3. Paul the apostle – Acts 9:9ff, 15ff (ref 13:2)

If sincerely you have encountered the risen Lord your divine mandate is “go” and show Him to the World

Therefore, go...

Remember, you are either a missionary to the world or a mission field. Choose one today.