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Psalm 119:97–106

Text: Ps. 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

The Christian church today is so blessed that almost everybody has the Bible at his/her
immediate disposal – all kinds of Bible in different edition.  You have Bibles in your phones.
Our world has become so infested with information technology that all you need in the Bible is
available on your phone, at least, talkless of Ipad or Android of all types and sizes.  The
implication is that we have access to Bible almost 24/7.  The major challenges facing us now is
how much of the Bible have we read  or do we know to find the WORD of God?
Jesus said something in John 5:39 – 40  
Imagine a non-Christian quoting scripture very well, and yet he does not know Jesus such a
person  is not a Christian by that because he has not gotten a change of life.  The reason is, he
reads the Book but he has not the WORD. Go with me to John’s Gospel Chapt 1: 1-5, 14,
So we concluded, no one can have/receive the WORD until he has had a direct personal encounter with the WORD – Jesus Christ (Read John 3:1 -3)
Note Jesus’ Words “he cannot see (perceive, understand, appreciate, etc) unless he is born-again”
There is still another challenge – those who claim to know God (are born again), and yet
don’t live according to the Word of God.  The question that comes to us this morning is how effective is the Word of God in your life.  Many people today read or study, or even teach the Word of God but are not changed or influenced by the Word of God.  How are you?

I. The Heart and the Word (Matt. 13:1-9; 18-23)
The principles here are:
1.The state of the heart determines the receptivity of the Word
2.The quality of the state of the heart determines flourishing of the Word
3.The fruit depends on the type of heart we possess
4.No life can produce more than his heart allows
What type of heart is yours?
How receptive of God’s Word is it?
What kind of fruit is your life bearing?
What evidence can you give of impact of God’s Word?

II.The Psalmist Testimony
1.God’s Word keeps him away form sin
2.He meditates on it all day
3.By it he is wise
4.By it he gains insight and understanding
5.The Word is lamp and light
6.Decision to follow the Word
Then: What has God’s Word:
Done in your life?
Added to you?
Taken away from you?
Warned you about?
Restricted you from doing?
Compelled you to do without question?

III.Our Attitude to the Word
1.Like our daily food
a.I Peter 2:2   
b.Jer. 15:16  
c.Deut 8:3  
2.Must be kept in our heart
a.Deut. 6: 4 – 7
b.Ps. 119:11
c.Col 3:16  
3.Must be lived out
a.Rm. 2: 17 – 21
b.John 4:39 - 42

Read James 2:26  “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”
If the Word of God does not change us, it cannot change anything/body around us
The essence of the Word we receive is to make us:
- Holy
- Resemble Christ
- Proclaim Him
- Wise
- Loving and caring
- Forgiving and forbearing
- Change agent
- World influencer
- Peace loving
- Zealous for good works
These and many more on a daily basis
( 2 Peter 1: 5 -8)