Luke 1:8-20

Text: v. 8 Read it

How interesting  to note that the same thing men of God pray for people upon, they too have the same experience or pass through the same situation

Such is the story of this  priestly-couple

Meaning what?

That we are children of God does not exempt us from the same difficulties of life , only graces  of God remain sufficient

That we are even workers or servants in the household of faith is not necessarily an immunity against lacks, sickness, or even anything unexpected

That we are workers or servant of God does no mean we will not die

In our passage today is the story of a couple on account of whom it was said, "both of them were  righteous in the sight of God"

Yes, as said in a similar message before, "the rich also cry"

Hard times means different things to different people.

For some, it is unanswered prayer hitherto

For some it is recurrent failure or lingering success

For stone it may be  a challenging sickness

Yet for others it is  ,  or may be , delayed expectation  .


 The man in our passage was serving God whole-heartedly  despite the fact that he and his wife had no children and they were both very old, v. 7

Further example of people serving God despite their own hard times:

1. Ruth,  Ruth 2:1-3;

2.  Heroes of faith, Heb 11:32-end

3. Apostles , Acts 4:15ff,  note v. 24ff

4. The Macedonian Christians , 2Cor. 8:1-5

For some , difficult times and experiences may lead them to leave fellowship of brethren , for some they abandon their duty post , for some ,mthey may even abandon faith in Christ .

For such , the words of Apostle John may come true,  read 1John2:19

Why would we continue to serve the Lord despite hard times?

Jesus Christ , our Lord gave us example, read Heb12:2

Are you conscious of any joy ahead?

To Continue To Serve Your Lord In Hard Times :

Check your foundation in Him very well

Commitment to His cause at all cost, Lk 9:23-25

Obedience to His Word

Faithfulness in duty discharge

Discipline to manage and then share, 2 Cor. 9: 11-13

Focus more on what is important and of eternal value

Practice practical love for brethren, I mean brethren in the Lord

Pray in the Spirit always for strength and wisdom


How are you sir/ma ?

Sincere or pretending ?

Remember , man looks on the outward, God sees the inner man - heart

We're everybody to serve the Lord like you do, how do you think ?

Pray now for grace, it's available to those who ask for it