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Ps. 122
Text: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee" (KJV)

The whole chapter of this Psalm is Prayer for Peace, and it is about Jerusalem, the city around which religion and government centered from the time of David.  The Psalm is about the festive mood and journey that the Jews made to the city annually.
The Psalmist (not sure if it is David) expressed the joy, the gladness of going to Jerusalem.  The people yearned to go to the temple in Jerusalem to meet with other devoted Jews who would come from all over the then world.  It was a journey of fellowship; it was a fellowship of meals with families and friends.  It was a beautiful time of fellowship and nation building.
For this Psalmist it was an excited attitude to the nation and the temple on which the whole Israel took pride.  They raised prayers for it because it brought them a sense of security and peace, as well as national identity among the nations.  Hence they can claim that for the sake of the temple, the house of God, they prayed for prevailing peace within the city.

I. The Focus:
a. Prayer
b. Peace
c. Prosperity
d. Patriotism

a. Prayer:
i. John 17:20  
ii. Rm. 1:9
iii. Eph. 1:16
iv. Eph. 3:14
v. Phil.  1:4  
vi. Col. 4:12

b. Peace:
i. I Cor. 14:33
ii. 2 Cor. 13:11
iii. Eph. 4:3
iv. 2 Tim. 2:22

c. Prosperity
i. Gen. 39:3  
ii. Deut. 29:9
iii. Ps. 1:3

d. Patriotism
i. 2 Sam. 10:12
ii. Neh. 2:3
iii. Ps. 137:1

II. Our GAs as Seed for Ps
We have been instructed to sow the seed of God’s Word into their lives – Deut. 6:
6 – 7
But not only are we to pray we are to do specific things:
- To train -  Prov. 22:6
- To nurture -   Eph. 6:4
- To control -  1 Tim. 3:4
- To love Titus 2:4

Conclusion:  Our Duty today
1. Proper enlistment
2. Biblically sound foundation
3. Disciplers/Mentors
4. Follow-up & Follow-through
5. Constant Prayer
6. Reflect example (in faith and purity)
How many a time our youth have been discouraged about the nation?  What has the Church done to instill peace in the nation?  How much examples have Church and national leaders shown to the youth of today.  Are mothers in the house conscious of the sacred responsibility on these little girls to grow in holiness, purity and righteousness that exalts the nation?  In view of the global challenges, may be wise as to sow the right seed in these little ones.