Phil. 4:1-7

Text: v. 5 – “Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand”.

Although out text is taken from v. 5 this message is actually drawn vs. 4 – 7 of our passage
In v. 4 – 6, specific instructions are given:
- Rejoice in the Lord always v. 4
- Let your moderation be made known to all v. 5 (let your gentleness be evidence to all)
- Be careful for nothing (do not be anxious about anything)
Then v.7 gives us the results/reason… “the peace of God, which passes (transcends) all understanding shall keep your heart”.
But from v. 1 – 3 we note the specific persons addressed and the reason for their instruction given to them.
v.1 - stand firm in the Lord
v.2 – quarrelers should reconcile

The truth is, we are called upon as believers to stand firm in several things
1. In faith ( 1 Cor. 16:13)
2. In Christ’s freedom (Gal. 5:1)
3. In one spirit (Phil. 1:27)
4. In the Lord (Phil. 4:1)
5. In the teachings ( 2 Thess. 2:15)

The reason to stand firm is because the Lord is near
The Lord is near to do what?
1. To watch our behavior
2. To reward our deeds
3. To answer our prayers

1. To watch our behaviour, our lifestyle our ministry focus.  See how the two fellows in our passage were referred to – Yokefellows with Paul.
True, in every church there are always those who:
a. Love and care deeply for others
b. Are always helping and ministering to others
c. Whom God has gifted and appointed to be ministerial helpers to the flock
d. Are highly respected and esteemed by most people in the congregation.
So, beloved how is your life and ministry like?

2. The Lord is at hand to reward our deeds
The story in Matthew 24: 45 – 50 is a beautiful illustration of this point.
Are you the faithful servant (v.45) OR are you the wicked servant (v.48)
The result could/would be disastrous (v. 51)

3. The Lord is at hand to answer our prayers.
Yes, many people have wondered why God seems too slow concerning some people’s plight, despite their high level of commitment and devotion to His cause.  Why do they go for days and weeks and months and even years, supposedly, not hearkening to their prayers.  This scripture says “the Lord is at hand.  To do what?
a. To answer their prayers (Ps. 34: 18 – 19) and be delivered.
b. To fulfil the desires of their hearts (Ps. 145: 18 – 19)
c. To encourage them to patience (James 5: 7 – 8)
d. To encourage them not to give up (Heb. 10:25)

This is why the instruction to stand firm is very crucial and relevant.  We are tempted to be weary and seek to take offence at brethren, at church, and at situations around us.  No wonder the scriptures say “hope deferred makes the heart sick (weary) – Prov. 13:12.
Hence we are encouraged to stand firm.

Believe this; the Lord is nearer you than you thought.  True, He’s coming very soon (to reward His servants)
But much more, he is near, he is at hand now to deliver, to heal, to save, to encourage, to stabilize and to bless.
May be you (also) need to reconcile with somebody
May be you need to do something like sow a seed (of anything)
May be you need a step of faith for the Lord to show forth
May be you need to identify a destiny helper
May be you need to show an act of kindness
May be you need to be faithful to God in your tithes and offering
May be you need to do more in promoting the Kingdom’s cause, a
And the Lord (who is near) will show forth
Is there anything you need to repent of now –that has put off the presence of God around you?
Pray and trust God.  He will show forth Himself as the Almighty God.
Let’s cry to God, “Come thou near me”