John 15 : 1-10

Text: Vs 8 , 16



Thanks to our BSF for their activities since Monday 

Special thanks to you all that encouraged them with your presence

Thanks also to the Students Welfare Committee of our Church

Can I also remind all of us  of our "CCMP" scholarship purse 

Keep on serving God in this areas ; it has reward


Our Meditation Today: 

1. V.8 Glorifying the Father

Matt 5:16: let your light shine... 

Phil 1:11  be filled with the fruit of righteousness ... 

Note that it is in fruit bearing that we are regarded as Jesus' disciples

This is a serious matter for us to consider here , please


2. V. 16 you have not chosen me...

Yes, appointed for a purpose 

Note also the word "ordained" in the KJV edition

(commissioned , set aside, anointed) 

Do you realize this? 

If you do you will do everything within your power to fulfill the reason for your redemption and appointment

Is it not interesting that answers to our prayers are hinged on this assignment being carried out

Want your prayers answered? 

Bear fruits 

Foundation: Gal 5: 22; Eph 5:9 ( spiritual fruit)

Fruit of souls:

Proverbs 11:30

1Cor 9:19

James 5:20

This is what we are appointed to do

Looking around, you 'll see that truly there is need to win souls 

- Ignorance still abounds

- persecution is on the increase

- the coming of the Lord  is imminent



Being unfruitful is an indication of:

- unconscious of our position

- being  lackadaisical 

- being occupied with "other" things" 

- unconscious of the gravity of  "lost ness" of sinners

Occupy your place today and multiply yourself