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1 John 2:13-14

 "write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, dear children, because you have known the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one."

1. Youth are Strong
2. Fathers know God
But the glory of youth grows till adulthood (Father & Mother) Such glory is: they are Strong (Strength)
Word of God (lives in you)
Victory (you are Victorious)
These don't just happen at adulthood, they grow in one with age.
The  Model father - Lk 15:11-32

1. The wealthy Father v. 12

2.. The benevolent & generous father V. 17

3. The waiting father v. 18

4. The loving and compassionate father v. 20-21

5. The welcoming & restoring father v. 22-24

6. The Joyful father v. 24 & v. 32

2 Peter . 1: 1 – 4

Text: His divine Power has given us everything we need…through OUR KNOWLEDGE of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (v.3)

The emphasis here today is on Knowledge.
We read in John 8:31 that we shall know the truth and thereby be set free.  In John 14:6 Jesus told us that He’s the...truth…
This follows that our knowledge is so very important

I.Our Relationship with Christ
From Peter, the writer of this letter, we understand our relationship with Christ, knowledge of which helps us to be able to handle all other areas of our life and ministry very well. What does Peter mean by calling himself a SERVANT of JESUS?
a. The slave was owned by his mater; he was totally possessed by his master. This is what Peter meant.  Peter was purchased and possessed by Christ. Christ had looked upon him and had seen his degraded and needful condition. And when Christ looked, the most wonderful thing happened: Christ loved him and bought him; therefore, he was mow the possession of Christ
b. The slave existed for his master and he had no other reason for existence.  He had no personal rights whatsoever.  The same was true with Peter: he existed only for Christ. His rights were the rights of Christ only.
c. The slave served his master and he existed only for the purpose of service. He was at the master’s disposal any hour of the day.  So it was with Peter: he lived only to serve Christ – hour by hour and day by day.
d. The slave’s will belonged to his master.  He was allowed no will and no ambition other than the will and ambition of the master. He was completely sub-servient to the Master and owed total obedience to the will of the master. Peter belonged to Christ.
e. There is a fifth and most precious thing that Peter meant by “a slave of Jesus Christ”.  He meant that he had the highest and most honored and kingly profession in all the world.  Men of God, the greatest men of history, have always been called the servants of God.  It was the highest title of honor. The believer’s slavery to Jesus Christ is no cringing, cowardly, shameful subjection.  It is the position of honor-the honor that bestows upon a man the privileges and responsibilities of serving the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Not only did he call/identify himself as a servant of Jesus, he’s writing to those (we) who have received a faith as precious as theirs, such that we may received the needed grace for our life journey, which only comes through our knowledge

II. Knowledge Liberates
Yes, knowledge liberates and lack of it enslaves, impoverishes or even kills
When John 8:32 says we shall know the truth and it shall set us free, how has knowledge or lack of it affected people

1. Hagar (21: 14 – 20)
She and her son Ishmael was sent out of home
She wandered in the desert
The water given at home got finished
She began to cry, not willing to see the boy die of hunger and thirst
God showed her a well of water
Note: God OPENED her eyes
That is, the well water had been there, only she did not know it How impoverished we could be for lack of knowledge of God’s prevision for us

2. Jacob (Gen. 28:10 – 17)
In his wilderness experience, Jacob got to Luz
He didn’t know that the place was the presence of God
“Surely the Lord is in this place…”
But he did not know it, “and I was not aware of it
Note: Our ignorance of the provisions of God cannot make God a liar
Do you know that?
Angels of God were even there to minister to him
In his dream, the angels of God were ascending and descending (read v.12)
Meaning what?
Angels of God are right there with him
They are connected with heaven
Carrying your burdens to heaven
Bringing grace down to you
Hence where you are (even here, your house, office, market, school, farm, even the darkest place) God is there
Hence, no arm of the enemy shall be able to touch you

3. Elisha Surrounded By Hoses and Chariots of Fire ( 2 Kings 6: 8 – 17)

War between the Arameans and the Israelites
The Aramean king sent his own force to Israel.  Elisha’s servant was afraid by  what he saw. He didn’t see the greater army of God around their tent.
Elisha prayed that his eyes be opened to see the horses and chariots of fire
Know this:
In the face of every and any battle, “those who are with us (you) are more than those who are with them (your enemies)
Please bear in mind, when the battles of life seem fiercer, know that the Lord is near you and such battles can never over power you.

4. The Widow’s Oil ( 2 Kings 4: 1 – 7)
The widow didn’t know the gravity or the greatness of her “little oil”
She did not know the power of her neighbours
She did not know the great potentials in her sons
She did not know that God can bring something out of nothing
But thank God, she knew the man of God
She knew the way to get to him
She knew she had a little oil
She knew she must tell the man of God the truth
She knew that she needed to report back to the man of God who said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts.
Somebody said wealth is on Nigeria’s streets but Nigerians don’t see it.  How true!

5. David’s Letter To Kill Uriah (2 Samuel 11:11-17)
King David wanted cover his sin of adultery
Uriah refused all the hypocritical advances of David
King David sent a letter to Joab in he hands of Uriah
Uriah didn’t know the letter he delivered was his death warrant
Joab carried out King David’s instruction
Uriah was put in the battle front where he was killed
Uriah carried his own death letter without knowing

The point we are making today is, you can never operate outside or beyond your knowledge.  Your relationship with God depends on your knowledge of Him
The way you access his blessings on your life and situations depends on your knowledge of his provisions
So as said earlier:
1. Knowledge liberates us from error (John 8:31 – 32)
2. Knowledge gives to us what God has (2 Peter 1:3)
3. Knowledge leads us to eternal life ( John 17:3)
4. Knowledge establishes us in God’s will ( Gen. 37: 6 – 11)
5. Knowledge prevents us form  snares that will lead us against God (Gen. 39:6-9)
6. Knowledge helps us to keep our holiness in this sinful world ( 1 Cor. 6:15 & 19
7. Knowledge keeps us victorious always (Rm.8:28; 1 John 5: 4 & 5)
Do you know all this?
Will you like to operate at this level?
Remember Jesus said “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them”. (John 13:17)

Deuteronomy 1: 1 – 6

Text: 1 Samuel 1: 28 “ So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over
                                    to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there".

Of a fact children are heritage from the Lord (Ps. 127:3)
But then to train them to became great leaders tomorrow, the scripture should still be fulfilled
( Ps. 127:1)  Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
For them to become arrows in the hand of a warrior, a lot goes into it (v.4)  Like arrows in the hands of
a warrior are sons born in one's youth.
Raising tomorrow leaders among these children today is a serious and crucial assignment on our part today. Why?
There is the challenge of Parenthood
There is the challenge of the society
There’s the challenge of direct assault from the kingdom of darkness, on daily basis
Yet in all these, we have a lesson to learn form Mother Hannah in our text (I Sam.1:27-28)
The best we are to do now is to hand them over to God who gave them to us
Today we can count millions of people who are influencing their world and generation  in different fields, just because they knew Christ when they were just children.
Hence we conclude:
Like Moses, of old, were he dead in the hand of Pharaoh, the story we read in the Bible will be different.
Like Joseph, were he to fall in the laps of Portiphar’s wife (as a young man) the story will be totally different
Were baby Jesus killed in the days of Herod, our salvation would have been sabotaged
Hence, everybody- the home, the Church, the society, the government must play his/their role well today in order to produce (out of these children) great leaders of international repute for the glory of God and the betterment of mankind.

I. From History
W.E. Hockin told a story one time that a teacher of ten and eleven year old boys in Germany would take off his top hat and bow before the boys in deference to them. Someone asked him “why do you do that?”  He answered “Who Knows what one of these boys may become?”  One of such boys was Martin Luther (the Great Reformer)
Yes, children will tend to adopt the beliefs of those whom they instinctively recognize as their role models, and of no others
Isaac Watts was saved at about the age of nine. His hymns have lifted the hearts of millions. Jonathan Edwards, whose clear testimony and dynamic preaching stirred all of New England for God, was converted when he was only seven.   Mather Henry was brought to Church at the age of eleven, and through his many years of study of God’s Word, he produced his well-known commentaries on the Holy Scriptures.

II. Our Assignment Today
Charles H. Spurgeon once said, “If you do not teach your child the ways of the Lord, the devil will teach them the way of sin”
How true today!
Hence the serious assignment on us today, especially as parents and the Christian Church
Hence the following commands for us as parents need to be strictly adhered to (see your bulletin) –
TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR GOOD PARENTS (For the Sake of Children)    
1. Teach them, using God’s Word (Deut. 6: 4 – 9)
2. Tell them what’s right and wrong ( 1 Kings. 1:6)
3. See them as gifts from God ( Ps. 127:3)
4. Guide them in godly ways ( Prov. 22:6)
5. Discipline them (Prov. 29: 17)
6. Love them unconditionally (Luke 15: 11 – 32)
7. Do not provoke them to wrath (Eph. 6:4)
8. Earn their respect by example( 1 Tim. 3:4)
9. Provide for their physical needs ( 1 Tim. 5:8)
10. Pass your faith along to them ( 2 Tim. 1:5)

Any child that grows under these conditions will have gotten seed sown in him/her.  Even when peer, generational, societal, circumstantial pressures and thorns want to choke them, the life and the power of God in the seed will not allow them to die.
Having done our part successfully well, all other avenues will only compliment.


Every child in the House:
Obey your parents
Give your life to Christ
Obey the teachings of God’s Word
Run away for deception ( Prov., 1:10)
Learn good behaviours
Shun bad behaviours
Every Parent in the House
Cooperate in the rearing and training of Children
Be good and godly examples
Teach right values
Be modest and moderate
Do not over indulge
Be honest and sincere
Do your very best

The Church:
Godly and enabling environment
Dedicated workers
Conscious leaders
Growth opportunities and materials
Sacrificial giving to fulfil visions.

Col. 3: 1 – 8

Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grape vines are blossoming.

We thank God for the successful MOTHER’S Day Programme as well as the Christian Home Week
As usual we close the week today considering the above topic, “Removing the Little Foxes…”
Our marriage, our home, our church family is like a vineyard there is a time of planting; there is a time of blossoming.

I. Foxes are Destructive Agents
In Judges 15: 1 – 6
Samson used them to deal with the Philistines in retaliation for giving his wife to his friend
Our vineyard in this context is our home, our marriage relationships, or even our Christian life.

II. The Nature of marriage
Regardless of whatever experience we may have, marriage, home, church, is supposed to be a place of:
Read Matt. 19: 4 – 9 – oneness, lasting
Read S.S 2:16 – 3:6 – romantic and blissful        
Read Prov. 5:18 – blessed
Read Ecc  9: 9  -  Joyful
Prov. 31:20 – 28
2 Kings 4:8 – 17 – love, communication, hospitality, reproduction and joy
If these and many more are God’s design and purpose for the home, you will now understand why the devil wages terrible wars against the home (and even the church)

III. The Foxes In Marriage
Note that our text reads “little foxes” That is to say, they are not necessarily big things that start to break home or scatter a church
Adultery may not even be the little Fox
Infidelity my not even be
But little foxes as:
Ordinary simple courtesy
Little time together
Use of (ordinary) toothpaste
Use of “Thank You”/I’m sorry
Use of Phone
Neatness of home, especially kitchen and toilet
Handling of relations
Use of money
As little as they are, they are the ones that ruine the vineyard, that are blossoming or getting neady to blossom.

IV. Remove the Foxes
In our passage today (Col. 3:1 – 8), Paul admonished in v.5 (read)  
Also in Eph. 4:22, he says
“Put off…your deceitful desires”
Remove them decisively
Remove them diligently
Remove them devotedly
Remove them dutifully
Remove them daily
Yes, Remove pretence
Remove rudeness
Remove hamtiness
Remove pride
Remove sluggishness
Remove dirtiness
Remove cheating
Remove being unfair
Remove being ungrateful
Remove obstacles (work, office, shop, phone, friends, relations), etc
Remove any room for suspicious, whatsoever,
Remove them

Not only in marriage relationships are there little foxes, there could be little foxes in your relationship with God, with the church, with your destiny fulfillment
They are those things you think don’t REALLY matter, yet, they are determinant to your destiny fulfillment, to your growth, to your usefulness, etc.  Remove them and allow yourself to blossom as God ordains.

Heb. 12: 1 – 2; 6:1-2

Shall we rise up and sing #41,  To God Be the Glory…2times
As I told you last week that we shall be celebrating our NBC here today.  Incidentally the NBC President also ordered it to all 101st Session Messengers that we celebrate it today
What are we celebrating?
Why are we celebrating?
Where are we celebrating?
How should we celebrate?
These are just the few questions that today’s message will answer.

1. Where are we celebrating?
We are celebrating in Nigeria, Nigeria itself (or herself) that celebrates her 100year of amalgamation.  This year Celebrating Nigeria comes with a lot of mixed feelings.  As a nation, as we have many things that we can point at as developments but, unfortunately the evils that have befallen us in so many areas leave us with mix feelings and confusion if not for God’s grace and mercy.
Insecurity – at all levels
Leadership problems
Inadequate Social amenities
Religious Crises (e.g. Boko Haram)
Insincere and corrupt leaders at all levels
Yes, many more but one thing is sure, God has been faithful, kind and gracious to us, Jeremiah’s word is fulfilled on us, that it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed (Lamentations 3:22)
This is made possible by the intercessory ministry of the Church.  Were it not for the church, perhaps, what we are now celebrating as a nation could have been a mirage.
Our emphasis today is not on Nigeria but on us as denomination (NBC) because at some better levels, the rulers of Nigeria have done that, even celebrating Nigeria outside Nigerian soil.  May God have mercy?

2. We are celebrating our Faith?
What faith? Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our faith as a Baptist people (Faith of our Fathers).  We were not the first Missionary organization to step on the soil of Nigeria. But by 1850 T.J. Bowen brought Baptist Faith to Nigeria (Delve a little on History from the program bklet)
It will interest you that so many churches were founded between 1850 till date totaling about 10,000 and membership running to millions
In addition, before 1976, abut 50 secondary schools were founded.  The NBTS, Ogbomoso the first degree-awarding institution in Nigeria was founded in 1998. Note the Premier University started as a College of the University of London in 1948.  There after there were hospitals/health centers, all functioning well to the glory of God till today.
Alongside all this, personnel was being raised and developed, such that today the Yoruba Association of 1914 (p.11 of Program Bklet) of about 50 messengers is now called NBC wherein over 15,000 messengers converged.  Once again, glory to God in the Highest

3. The next question is, why are we celebrating?
We are celebrating because:
a. God has been good to us
b. Inaddition to other denominations, NBC has raised notable leaders in all areas of life
c. God has used NBC to raise evangelicalism in the land. There is hardly any latest     
church group or ministry, today in Nigeria that some or many of their members were not from Baptist denomination. We call them Baptists in the diaspora
One of such hosted the NBC pastors at his church Headquarters last week. One of such is Brother Isaac (baptized at Oritameta BC Ibadan) occupying the seat of governor in one state in Nigeria today.
d. We are a solid people.  We can be different in our opinions, we hold a common faith.  It is on us that the scripture (Eph.4: 4 – 6 is fulfilled
e. Even here in Osun State, several leaders emerge from the Baptist (even
from among you) who are doing great exploits in their different ministries today outside the Baptist
We are celebrating the widening of vision even as we break new frontiers. We can say today we are a global church
f. Yes, we are celebrating because we are sure of heaven. We believe that Jesus
died, but rose again, He’s at the right hand of God (interceding for us) and He’s coming back someday to rapture us home. None of us will miss heaven.
So many reasons to celebrate, but, the other side of this message is “Renewing Our Commitments”
This leads us to our passage of meditation (Heb. 12: 1-2 and 6:1-2) Read

As we have shared before, there is an expectation in view of all this opportunity.
In addition to the Biblical witnesses who are heroes and heroines of faith (see. Heb.11) we have our own heroes too who have now become the witnesses (dead and alive) watching us as we handle the baton of ministry they handed over to us. So many of them. Because they surrounded us we are commanded to:
Run the race set before us
Throw off everything that hinders
Fix our eyes on Jesus
And according to Heb. 6:1-2
We are to “leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.  Simply put having gone this far, we ought to be or do more than we are doing
Our situation was like that of Joshua (in Chapt 13). Even when he had conquered many lands and he was old, the Lord still told him that there were more lands to be covered.
In like manner, we have many more lands to be covered.  No wonder we are admonished to throw off any and everything that entangles.  This must be so, so that we can run the race well.  You ask, what race?
It is the race for heaven
It is the race for life (abundant and eternal)
It is the race to live with God for ever
It is the race for perfection
It is the race for righteousness and justice (a world of godliness and fairness to all)
It is the race for the Promised Land, the eternal land where we will live for ever with God
It is the race to live in the new heavens and earth
It is the race to know God, to commune and fellowship with Him both now and for ever.
This is the great Christian race, the great goal toward which every believer is running
No wonder then it is worth it, that every entanglement and sin must be laid aside and put off in order to be able to run the race well. That is how to run the race.

4. How should we Celebrate?
Now as we celebrate the Centenary and rejoice in our legacies we have some serious challenges in our hands.
Our nation is facing a lot of crises (from leadership to security, to un-employment; etc)
The church faces a lot of crises (in terms of syncretism and adulterated gospel leading or giving room for materialism)
We have our own challenge as a denomination and as a church, hence the need to renew our commitments.
You say what commitment?
1. To the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour & Master
2. To serious church membership
3. To meaningful soulwinning and discipleship
4. To committed ministry and service
5. To faithful involvement in ministry activities
6. To faithful financial commitment to church ministries and projects
7. To live christlike life anywhere no matter what our experiences are.

Col. 3: 1 – 14

Text: Since you have been raised with Christ…” v.1

The Word “Since” has an implication
Worthy of note that it is not ‘If’ (in NIV) - meaning uncertainty. OR “when”
meaning probability
But in this case, it is an affirmation that we are already raised with Christ
Illustration – Certification of marriage, even before marriage experience
The instruction then follows:
1. Set your hearts and minds on things above v. 1 & 2
2. Put to death things of earthly nature
What then is the characteristics of the Resurrected Life?
(You have the summary in your bulletin, but consider the following:

1. It is a purposeful life  
 v.1 – “Since”
Remember,  Jesus purposefully appeared to people when he rose from the dead.
a. He appeared to Thomas purposefully
Read (i) John 11:16  (ii) John 14:5 (iii) John 20: 24 – 28
Why did Jesus appear to Thomas?
- To remove his doubt
- To convince him of is resurrection
- To lead him to commitment
The purpose of our being raised with Christ is that we are to set our heart and mind on Christ.

2. It is a life of obedience  
Read v.1 & 2 and then v.8
“Rid yourselves…
Note the Word “MUST”
Also read Eph 4:22  
Filthy language
Filthy life
Filthy relationship
Filthy deals
Paul in Gal. 5:19-21 will call it works of the flesh

3. It is a life of Holiness  
Read v. 5 and v. 12  
The instruction is:
“Put to death therefore…” v.5
“Clothe yourself…” v.12
Holiness is simply living the life of Christ in an unholy world. It is the evidence of being sanctified, that is, the process of being cleansed on daily basis.

4. It is a life of practical service
Read v. 12
Note the words, “God’s chosen people…”
Characterized by holiness and love
Be clothed with:
These are all principles of relationship
Without them manifesting in a believer’s life, he cannot be said to have risen with Christ

Check your bulletin to see the summary of resurrected life.
(the Pastoral Word)
Is a (sincere) Christian Life
Is a consecrated and committed life
Is a consistent life
Is a conscientious life
Is a calculated life
Is a caring life
Is a careful life
Are you truly resurrected?

Matt. 21: 1 – 11

Text: v. 10   “…who is this Jesus…this is Jesus the Prophet from Nazareth in Galilee”

What led to this question?
Being asked sincerely or for mockery
What led to the question?
Who actually is Jesus, particularly to you and at this time?

The riding on the donkey
The glamour of entry
The spreading of clothes and tree branches
The shouting
The stirring of the whole city
Hence the question, who Is this Jesus:

I.  The Answer: (This Is Jesus)
The Prophet from Nazareth
- the one promised – Deut. 18:15  
- the one that has come to raise the dead – Luke 7: 14 – 16
- the prophet had come to save the lost – Luke 7:37 – 39
- the one powerful in Word and deed – Luke 24: 17 – 20
- the one who has come with miraculous signs

II. Who Is Jesus to you?
This is Jesus (not just prophet as of old) Is the one:
1. Who gave His life for us (Luke 22: 17 – 19)
2. Our Great and Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
3. Who died for the ungodly and sinners (Rm 5: 6 – 8)
4. The one who fulfils the Scriptures (I Cor. 15:3)
a. He is our sin-bearer (2 Cor. 5:21)
b. He is our sacrifice (Heb. 10:12)
c. He is the sufferer (1 Peter 2:21)
d. He is our reconciler (1 Peter 3:18)

This is the Passion Week
Consider what He came to do for you/me/us
What will you do for Him?
You can give Him your best too
Your life is your BEST you can offer Him
Only then can anything else be meaningful
So give Him your life and all that you can offer Him in gratitude

(Making Disciples, Contd)

Luke. 29: 23 – 26

Text:“If anyone wants to FOLLOW me, let him (or her) deny self…"

We stopped last week at the definition of who a Disciple is. A FOLLOWER
The question could still be asked, whom are you following? Or whom are you leading
Study closely Jesus’ Words in Matt. 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you”
“Learn of me”
The truth is, we resemble the one we follow, the one we learn from, who teaches you what you are doing now?
From whom do you learn your lifestyle now; whether Christlike or otherwise

I. Disciple Is A Follower (of Jesus)
Interesting to note (Matt. 28: 19 – 20) that this instruction was not to the 11 disciples but to over 500 disciples who were there with Him.
This command (or Commission) extends to us today
Note the 3 arms of the Commission:
Make disciples
Baptize them
Teach them
For a GENUINE believer, this is a crucial statement
To Jesus, DISCIPLING is the whole essence of the church
To Jesus, DISCIPLING is the best method to evangelize the world
Hence we are to do what Jesus did
And what did Hi do?
According to Luke 19:10  
He came to seek and save the lost (those who are willing to commit their lives to Him)
When He found them, He saved them
He attached Himself to them
He began to mold that person into His image
Attachment is a serious word here
(See women’s attachment to their hair)
Christ made disciples of men by attaching Himself and through this:
They observed His life and conversation
They assimilated His character and behaviour
The began to follow and serve Him more closely
By this, Jesus envisioned something beyond Him and His day and time
As Jesus attached Himself to disciples to do the same through centuries (2 Tim.2:2)
In this context the emphasis is on “the making of disciples as we go”
Read Mark 10:7   
Matt. 28: 19 – 20   
Mark. 16:15   

II. A Follower will Deny Himself
In our passage today, to be a disciple (follower of Jesus), Jesus places certain demands on the believer.
Unlike general notion of “Cross-carrying”, to Jesus, the cross carrying is always an instrument of death, not even an object to carry or bear.
The Christian is to die mentally and actively.  He is to deny himself daily.
He is to let the mind of Christ (Phil.2:5-8) be in him and fill his thought daily
He is to put his will, desires, his wants, his ambitions to death. Instead he is to follow Jesus Christ and do His will all day long
The way to do this is:
a. The believer reckons or counts himself crucified with Christ (Rm.6:11; Gal.2:20)
b. The believer reckons or counts himself dead to sin, but alive to God ( 1 Peter 4:2)
c. The believer does not let sin reign in his body (Col. 3:5)  
d. The believer does not yield the parts of his body to sin as instruments of wickedness (Rm 6:13)
e. The believer yields his body members as instruments of righteousness (Rm.6:13)

III. Follower of Jesus is for Ministry
The truth is, immediately a person becomes a follower of Jesus, he directly and functionally enlists in the ministry of Jesus (making others follow Him)
This is affirmed by Rick Warren. To Rick Warren, there are no Volunteers in God’s Army.
Every Christian is created for ministry (Eph. 2:10)
Every Christian is saved for ministry (2 Tim. 1:9)
Every Christian is called into ministry (1 Peter 2: 9 – 10)
Every Christian is gifted for ministry (Matt. 28: 18 – 20)
Every Christian is commanded to minister (Matt. 20: 26 – 28)
Every Christian is to be prepared for ministry (Eph. 4: 11 – 12)
Every Christian is needed for ministry (1 Cor. 12:27)
Every Christian is accountable for ministry and will be rewarded for ministry (according to what her does (Col. 3:23 – 24)

Be converted
Be a follower of Jesus
Be well attached
In His name, attach to someone
Remember, everyone is/makes a disciple, the question is are you of, or making one for Jesus
If you are not a disciple and you are not leading others to be, you are not fulfilling your life purpose.
Rise up to your purpose and assignment today.
Pray now for grace and courage

(Making Disciples)

Matt. 28: 16 – 20

Text:  "Therefore go and make disiciples of all nations …teaching them to obey…” (v. 19 – 20)

Four thoughts are major in today’s message:
a. The Lord Jesus Christ (after resurrection) met His disciples in Galilee (v.16 – 17)
v.16. Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
v.17 .  When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
b. Jesus assured them of His power (v.18)                                            c. He commissioned them (v. 19 – 20)
d. He gave them His promises of presence (v.20)
In this (3rd) series of our Fulfilling our Purpose, our emphasis is on Making Disciples

Note: 1st –  Be and display the image of God
2nd – Preach the good news that liberate
3rd – Make disciples

I. Background to the Mandate:
Jesus, Words: “All authority…has been given to me”
Note that it is a GIVEN power
By God for one single purpose (to exalt Christ above and over all)

Note also, the power (of Jesus) is over and above all that is in heaven and earth – including at least 3 areas:
a. Power to rule and reign:
i. to receive the worship and subjection of all men who willingly surrender to Him (Rm 12:1-2; 1 Cor.6:20)
ii. to bow the  knee of all men and to receive their acknowledgement of Him as Lord
b. That authority also includes the power to govern and direct:
i. the affairs of men without violating man’s freedom
ii. the affairs of nature and the world without violating the laws of nature (Eph. 1:22)
c. That authority also includes the power to forgive sins
Read Matt. 9:6
Luke. 5: 20 – 21
Jhn. 5:22 & 27   
Upon this authority, He says “Therefore, go…”

II. Make Disciples:
What Is a or Who Is Disciple
- A follower
- A learner
Interesting to note that this instruction was not to the 11 disciples but t over 500 disciples who were there with Him.
This command (or Commission) extends to us today
Note the 3 arms of the Commission:
Make disciples
Baptize them
Teach them
For a GENUINE believer, this is a crucial statement
To Jesus, DISCIPLING is the whole essence of the church
To Jesus, DISCIPLING is the best method to evangelize the world
Hence we are to do what Jesus did
And what did Hi do?
According to Luke 19:10  
He came to seek and save the lost (those who are willing to commit their lives to Him)
When He found them, He saved them
He attached Himself to them
He began to mold that person into His image
Attachment is a serious word here
(See women’s attachment to their hair)
Christ made disciples of men by attaching Himself and through this:
They observed His life and conversation
They assimilated His character and behaviour
The began to follow and serve Him more closely
By this, Jesus envisioned something beyond Him and His day and time
As Jesus attached Himself to disciples to do the same through centuries ( 2 Tim.2:2)
In this context the emphasis is on “the making of disciples as we go”
Read Mark 10:7
Matt. 28: 19 – 20   
Mark. 16:15   

Be converted
Be a follower of Jesus
Be well attached
In His name, attaché to someone
Remember, everyone is/makes a disciple, the question is are you of, or making one for Jesus
If you are not a disciple and you are not leading others to be, you are not fulfilling your life purpose.
Rise up to your purpose and assignment today.
Pray now for grace and courage


Luke. 4:14 - 19

Text:   v. 18  The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed,

“He who does not have his own life purpose will be fulfilling another man’s purpose”
Every Christian/Church has a purpose to fulfill.
This becomes clearer, even as we draw close to the end of the age.  Unfortunately, the devil keeps fighting tooth and nail to ensure we don’t carry out God’s will and purpose (Please read Matt. 16:21 – 24); Message and lessons are very crucial.

I. Jesus Fulfilling His Own Purpose:
Jesus visited His hometown of Nazareth where He had been reared.  On the Sabbath He entered the synagogue for worship.  Note, it was His custom to worship on the Sabbath. He was faithful in His worship of God and faithful to the church.  This was the very synagogue that Jesus had always attended a s a child.  It was a small community synagogue where everyone would know everyone else. Jesus and the congregation were neighbors; some were close to His family

1. Jesus stood to read the scripture because of His reverence for the scripture. (v.16)
There should always be reverence for the Scripture, both in hearing and in reading it.

2. The Messiah was to be anointed by the Spirit (v.18). The Messiah was to be both called and equipped by the Spirit (cp.Lk. 3:21 – 22)
When God calls, He anoints: He equips the messenger with His Spirit.  The Holy Spirit goes with the messenger wherever God sends him

3. The Messiah was to preach the “good news” (gospel).  The words “good news” (gospel) mean to evangelize. The Messiah was to preach to two classes of people.
a. He was to preach to the poor.  The “poor” means not only poor in material possessions but also poor in spirit.
b. He was to preach freedom to the prisoners.  This is a picture of prisoners of war..

4. The Messiah was to minister. A twofold ministry was mentioned
a. He was to give sight to the blind not only to those who were spiritually blind, but to those who are blind physically
b. He was to release the oppressed. He was to set free those who were physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually bruised – those who were…
- disabled
- injured
- wounded
- hurting
- afflicted
- battered

5. The Messiah was to preach the age of salvation.  The term “the year of the Lord’s favor” means the era, the age or day of salvation. It means that the age of the Messiah had come.

II. The Christian/Church Is Anointed:
1. By the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8
2. The Christian/Church has the mandate (Luke 24: 46 – 48)
3. The Early Church carried it out fully (Acts 2:44 – 45; 6:1-2)
4. In this gesture God was glorified and the Church grew (Luke 18:35 – 43)
5. That’s our call and purpose today

Go And Do Likewise
Read the story in Luke 10:25ff
Read James 2:14ff
The total Gospel:
Redeems the soul
Heals the physical body
Releases the oppressed
Feeds the hungry
Gives sight to the Blind
Covers the naked
How are you going to do this today?