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Genesis 26: 24 -30

Text: v. 30 “Isaac then made a feast for them and they ate and drank”


When did Isaac make a feast?
“Then…” Turn to Preceeding Story: Genesis 21:22ff (ref 26:26ff)
Like in the times of Abraham and Isaac (and other Bible characters) today’s Christians also face challenges
Such challenges vary in types and degrees.
In the context of our passage today, it could be


Today also, it could we

Insincerity (on the past of leaders)
Lack of essential social amenities
Unfulfilled dreams
Personal & family lacks

Our emphasis is overcoming them.
That is, God never meant that any challenge overcomes us.
But we must know God’s way to overcome so that we can come to level of celebration (and each of us will come to celebration level)
Unfortunately, many of us don’t see celebration in view; hence we are not prepared to face the challenges that lead to it.

Today: You will confront your challenges, you will overcome them and you will celebrate.

I.  Isaac’s Own Challenges

1.  His wealth becoming a threat (v.12ff)
2.  His wells were quarreled over (v.19ff)
Esek means dispute
Sitnah means opposition
3.    His digging well thrice before getting to Rehoboth (Room or Space)
Note the words in v.22
“Now the Lord has given us room and will flourish in the land” (read Gen.17:6; ex 1:7)

II.  How Isaac Overcome His Challenges

1.    There was a divine appearance v. 24 “the Lord appeared…”
 (see Gen. 12:7; 17:1; 18:1; Ex.3:2)
2.    There was a promise v. 24 “I am with you, I will bless you, and multiply your seed…” (see Ex. 23:25; Ps. 81:16; Is. 30:23)
3.    Isaac built an altar v. 25 (of Prayers) – see Ps. 5:3
4.    Isaac was accommodating and hospitable v. 26ff
-    King’s cabinet came to him
-    God’s presence was evident in his life


How to Overcome Your Challenges.
1.    Don’t fear challenges; they are part of life.  Bob Gass said, “when it comes to serving God, there are two sides to the coin: Success and suffering. We like the first and try to avoid the second. But they are both part of God’s plan”

2. Possess a vision
- where you are going
- what you are to do
- where you are to do it
- with whom you are to do it

3. Never be discouraged
Isaac dug 1.2.3 wells

4. Allow God to fight for you
When you are greater than your enemies, they are to eat at your table.
Only then can you feast, and that together with your accusers.
You are overcoming and you are celebrating.
Rise up and pray