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Acts 4: 1 – 13

Text: “…By what power of what name did you do this?”  v.7

Many experiences today pose different questions to the church
It appears the power of the world is even greater than the church
Some experiences have dragged the name of the church in the mud
From our text today, the people recognized that there was power behind the Apostles’ operation.
This was after the crippled beggar (at the Beautiful Gate) had been healed
They were surprised at Peter’s preaching
Hence the question, what Power…?
This implies that the church has Power
It is another thing whether the church recognizes it or not
So today let’s look at the Power of the Church in 3 areas, viz
1. Prayer Power
2. Purity Power
3. Praise Power
Please note Acts 1:8 where Jesus first said they would receive Power.  That is, there was no way the church could influence its world without this Power (“You’ll be my witnesses…uttermost part of the world”)
From this text, it is certain; the Holy Spirit is the Power of the Church.
Individuals who don’t have Holy Spirit experience cannot possess the Power we are talking about

I. Prayer Power
In Acts 2:1ff the apostles were in one place
In Acts 3:1ff they were going to the temple in the hour of prayer
In Acts 4:23 “…they raised their voices in prayer to God (read to v.30)
The result: v.31
The church has this authority to pray
Someone say: “Where the power of money, connection, physical efforts failed, there the power of prayers begins.  So do not joke with prayers.
If we get to any situation we don’t know what next to do, it’s time to hand them over to God.  That’s our power

II. Purity Power
In view of so many churches and pastors today, several people have made one comment or the other about the purity of the church.  But the truth is, holiness is still the hallmark of the church.
In fact, when the church is not pure, it cannot experience the miraculous works of God  Read Acts 5:
This couple suffered all. They died without even making use of the money they hid
No sin can be hidden in a pure church.
The pure church has her prayer answered
Their leaders possess divine authority
The church’s call is to purity
1 Peter 1: 14 – 16 1 Thess. 4:7  
2 Peter 3: 11 & 14

III. The Praise Power
The Fall of Jericho – Joshua 6
The Victory of Jehoshaphat 2 Chr. 20: 20 – 22
The release of Paul ad Silas – Acts 16: 22 – 28
It has been said, “Where your prayers have not wrought miracles, praise does, because praise bring dawn the presence of God, and when God is present, anything can happen.

Today, the church is to display God’s power:
- In their purity
- In their prayers
- In their praise
If these are not characteristic of the church, not only will we lack power, our testimony will have no effect
The world should look to the church for solutions, not the other way round.
Today, move to the realm of power.
Become a person of prayer, purity and praise
You cannot possess all these and be defeated. Impossible!