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1 Thess. 2: 4 - 9

By way of introduction, let’s see what Pst Perry Noble indicated as being the characteristics unhealthy church in what he calls “15 Signs Your Church Is In Trouble”
1. Giving excuses about how things are and not finding solutions to the problems
2. When the church loses passion for evangelism
3. When emphasis is on building self (church and pastor’s family) against building God’s Kingdom.
4. When the leadership settles for the natural rather than the supernatural
5. When the church is concerned about its fame and not fulfilling the Great Commission
6. When the  leaders are not growing, and have stopped being coachable
7. There is no more sense of urgency (Hell a no longer hot, sin is no longer wrong, and the Cross is no longer important)
8. Scripture is no longer central in every decision made
9. The church is reactive rather proactive
10. When the church loses sight of the next generation (failure to build the young and younger generation)
11. When the church maintains the status-quo, not willing to rock the boat or upset anyone especially the “mighty” in the Church.
12. When the church is no longer willing to take steps of faith for fear of losing out
13. When the church is not concerned about the needs of the community
14. When the church depends on one man to minister to everyone, rather than everyone getting involved that the whole body cares for itself.

15. When the leaders refuse to go extra mile because that would appear inconvenient for them
In the light our of study what are the characteristics of the Healthy Church?

From our passage:
1. Where everyone possesses tested and approved hearts (v.4)
2. The leaders are not masked – no pretence (v.5)
3. Leaders seek ways of not being a burden to the Church (v.6)
4. Leaders are care-givers to the flock (v.7)
5. Sharing and sacrifice are characteristic (v.8)
6. Leaders work hard to show followers examples, and not place unnecessary burdens on the church (v.9)
7. Leaders are holy, righteous and blames (v.10)

Possible for men to pretend in the sight of men,
but God sees all and knows all
We can ask ourselves as individuals and corporately:
Am I a sincere, born-again Christian?
Seeking to grow the church healthily
Were my heart to be laid bare before the world, what shall be seen?
As a church, can we say we are on track, still retaining our passion for
Soulwinning, discipleship, and ministry?
Workers, do we possess the heart of a servant?
Pray and recommit yourself to God for grace and mercy