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Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:9-13

Text. Vs 10: " . . . An Expert Builder . . ."


Ever, the church belongs to Jesus. He is the head of His church. Ever since apostolic era till today Jesus continues to build His church. From the series already treated, we have been able to establish that the believers are God’s field and God’s building and others. are called fellow workers, in other words, to build the church of Christ, that is His body, some people must be regarded as workers who are going to be in forefront to do the building. The story was told of somebody who drew the picture of Jesus sculpturally, there was no hand, there was no foot or leg, somebody then pointed out the laps, the producer said, when Jesus was physically on earth, he had legs with which He moves around, He had hands with which He touched people, but today you (believers) are His legs and hands with which to reach people of all backgrounds and circumstances even as we build His church today.

1. Who are those gifted hands that will build His Church?

(i) Those who are sincerely born again
(ii) Those who know that hell await those not born again
(iii) Those who enjoy seeing God’s kingdom on earth expand
(iv) Those who are passionate about the salvation of others as well as their establishment in the faith
(v) Those who can spend and be spent for the purpose of Christ and His church

2. Who are those gifted hand to build Christ’s church on today, i.e. those that Jesus can depend upon to disciple and mentor others.

(i) Numbers 11:24-25—those on whom the spirit of the Lord dwells
(ii) Acts 9 - 20 following--those who can labor for souls
(iii) Exodus18:21-22 - those who are faithful and unselfish and are trust worthy
(iv) Acts 6:1 following - those who can serve others in other to establish them in the faith
(v)  Colossians 1:29 - those who can travail in prayers.


Peter’s admonition ‘look among you’, this is a seriously deep insight,’ look among you’. As far as God is concerned, He has enough people everywhere to show forth His praise, to carry out His assignment even at the local church level. Do you see such fellows who can go extra mile, do you see such fellows who are passionate about helping others grow, do you see fellows who are passionate about the growth of Christ’s church and they can spend extra time, money and allow themselves to be spent, such ones only can be strong enough, courageous enough, available enough to build Christ’s church. Hence church, look among you.