John 10 :1-16 
Text : V. 11 Read it 

Description Before: 
Bread of Life - that satisfies
Light of the World - illuminates and sanctifies
The Door--Saces nd protects 
Today, He is our Good Shepherd 

Background From the Prophets: 
1. David- The Lord is my Shepherd, Ps 23 
2. Isaiah - He shall feed His flock like a shepherd, Isaiah  40 :11 
3. Ezekiel- I will search for my sheep, Ezek 34 : 11ff 

A. The Identity of the Good Shepherd : 
1. Dying for the sheep, John10 : 11 
2. Risen for the sheep, Heb 13 : 20
3. Coming for His sheep,  1Peter  5 : 4

B. What the Good Shepherd Did: 
1. Speaks to His sheep, v. 3 
2. . Calls His sheep by name, v.3
3. Leads His sheep, v. 3 
4. Goes before His sheep, v. 4
5. ProtectsHis sheep , v. 12v
6. Stays with His sheep , v. 7 
7. Gives eternal life to His sheep,  vv. 27 - 29 

C. Your Choice of the Shepherd 
He laidHis life for you to have His own life , v. 15
Heconquered death for you , vv. 17 - 18 
Note these words: "no man taketh it  from me ... have power to take it again" 

Make this Shepherd yours today : 
1. You no longer walk alone through life
2. You no longer lack  His provision for your life 
3. You 'll be with Him where He  is eternally at the end of your journey here 
You can't do otherwise